Talking About Stories. Theoretical Preliminaries. The Plan for Rendering the Story. Some Helpful Questions for Further Text Analysis, страница 21

10. Why did he cover up the well?

11. What happened that night?

12. What did the phantom maid ask Matsumura to do?

13. What did they find in the well?

14. What was inscribed on the back of the mirror?

15. What was Matsumura doing when the maiden appeared again?

16. Tell the maid’s story as to how she came to be in the well.

17. Who was the descendant of her first mistress and what connection had he with Matsumura?

18. What happened when Matsumura went to the Regent’s palace?

19. Why would the villagers be pleased to see Matsumura on his return?

20. What happened to the mirror?



Text. Most important hour in a family’s day.

By Harriet Webster. (from reader’s Digest. June. 1995)

Recapture that special time when you and your children gather to share today’s news and for tomorrow

 The  author  points out that many  families in modern society rarely find themselves together at dinner time.  

He believes that if the traditional family is eroding , one key reason is the demise of family dinner time.  To a certain extend  that’s where children used to learn most of their values.  

Оn  the one hand dinner served as a touchstone,  symbolizing our importance to one another in good times and bad. On the other hand dinner was a time for slowing down, telling news, airing problems, rehashing today and planning for tomorrow.

Consеquently the author insists that families need to continue sharing dinner, in whatever way works best for them.

         In this connection  the author suggests  some tips to help   recapture or revitalize this endangered tradition:

·  In the first place, make the family dinner everyone’s responsibility.

Moreover get children to work with you in the kitchen before and after dinner because working  alongside one another encourages heart-to-heart talk.

·  Secondly, create a friendly atmosphere – no  criticism and interrogation. Besides, treat guests like family and family like guests.

Above all both parents and children follow the rule ·  Avoid  phone while eating. He ironically suggests – “Either show up for dinner or bring a note from God excusing you”.

·  In addition to that turn off the TV for television is the primary dinner distraction.

Apart from that build family rituals. They prevent children from making a gradual exodus from the table.

·  What is more become a story-teller as  children who hear their parents talk over problems are more likely to describe their disappointments and successes  at  the dinner table too. Consequently, perhaps  the biggest value of story-telling is that it provides an easy path into any complex issue and problem-solving.

·  Above all broaden the discussion to include everyone as after one child’s report of the day’s events, you may steer the talk towards broader issues.  

·  At least play games or invite a guest to dinner – new faces at the table mean new ideas and a fresh point of view.

In fact times change and families change. But Harriet Webster sticks to the point  that one of the constants in life is the importance of the family dinner.



VIII. List of Works Used

1.  Академическое письмо: Учеб.-метод. Пособие по письм. практике для студентов III курса./ Сост. Э.А.Усилова и др. – Мн.:Лексис, 2003. – 156 с.

2.  Борисова Л.В. Интерпретация текста (проза): Учеб. пособие. – 2-е издание., перераб. и доп. – Мн.: Высш. шк., 1999. – 174 с.

3.  Справочное пособие по письменной речи английского языка/ М.Е.Дубовик, Ю.В.Стулов, Е.И.Дубовик. – Мн.: Выш.шк., 1990. -229 с.



Tatyana Ryzhova, Lydia Kostina. Humane English. Pskov. 1994