Однофакторный ранговый и дисперсионный анализ в статистическом пакете STATGRAPHICS, страница 2

7                   41,0                16,0                -0,417463           -0,660067          

10                  40,0                12,0                -0,53259            -0,842099          

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total               35,5                13,0                0,31557             0,99792            

factor              Kurtosis            Stnd. kurtosis      Coeff. of variation Sum                

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1                   0,705995            0,558138            9,13713%            309,0              

4                   -0,0153566          -0,0121405          15,7892%            421,0              

7                   -1,57369            -1,24411            22,5923%            516,0              

10                  -0,920744           -0,727912           21,095%             506,0              

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total               -1,22168            -1,93165            27,1992%            1752,0             

The StatAdvisor

--------------This table shows various statistics for abserv for each of the 4

levels of factor.  The one-way analysis of variance is primarily

intended to compare the means of the different levels, listed here

under the Average column.  Select Means Plot from the list of

Graphical Options to display the means graphically. 

WARNING: There is more than a 3 to 1 difference between the smallest

standard deviation and the largest.  This may cause problems since the

analysis of variance assumes that the standard deviations at all

levels are equal.  Select Variance Check from the list of Tabular

Options to run a formal statistical test for differences among the

sigmas.  You may want to consider transforming the values of abserv to

remove any dependence of the standard deviation on the mean. 

ANOVA Table for abserv by factor

Analysis of Variance

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Source             Sum of Squares     Df  Mean Square    F-Ratio      P-Value

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Between groups            1842,53      3      614,178      18,30       0,0000

Within groups             1879,07     56      33,5548

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Total (Corr.)              3721,6     59

The StatAdvisor

--------------The ANOVA table decomposes the variance of abserv into two

components: a between-group component and a within-group component.

The F-ratio, which in this case equals 18,3037, is a ratio of the

between-group estimate to the within-group estimate.  Since the

P-value of the F-test is less than 0,05, there is a statistically

significant difference between the mean abserv from one level of

factor to another at the 95,0% confidence level.  To determine which

means are significantly different from which others, select Multiple

Range Tests from the list of Tabular Options.

Table of Means for abserv by factor

with 95,0 percent LSD intervals

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stnd. error

factor           Count         Mean     (pooled s)    Lower limit    Upper limit

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------1                   15         20,6        1,49566        18,4814        22,7186

4                   15      28,0667        1,49566        25,9481        30,1853

7                   15         34,4        1,49566        32,2814        36,5186

10                  15      33,7333        1,49566        31,6147        35,8519

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total               60         29,2

The StatAdvisor

--------------This table shows the mean abserv for each level of factor.  It also

shows the standard error of each mean, which is a measure of its

sampling variability.  The standard error is formed by dividing the

pooled standard deviation by the square root of the number of

observations at each level.  The table also displays an interval

around each mean.  The intervals currently displayed are based on

Fisher's least significant difference (LSD) procedure.  They are