Тест по дисциплине "Маркетинг" (на английском языке), страница 2

Lady's wear

1. Perfectly

2. Well

3. Satisfactory

4. Below expectations

5. The opinion is absent

I. The price

II. Quality

III. Price and quality parity

IV. Fashion

V. Style

VI. Colour

VII. Assortment

VIII. Fabric

16. Please, estimate clothes for newborns in shop KIABI on following indicators:

Clothes for newborns

1. Perfectly

2. Well

3. Satisfactory

4. Below expectations

5. The opinion is absent

I. The price

II. Quality

III. Price and quality parity

IV. Colour

V. Assortment

VI. Fabric

VII. Convenience

17. Please, estimate children's clothes KIABI to following signs:

Children's clothes

1. Perfectly

2. Well

3. Satisfactory

4. Below expectations

5. The opinion is absent

I. The price

II. Quality

III. Price and quality parity

IV. Colour

V. Fashion

VI. Assortment

VII. Fabric

18. Please, estimate men's wear KIABI on following indicators:

Men's wear

1. Perfectly

2. Well

3. Satisfactory

4. Below expectations

5. The opinion is absent

I. The price

II. Quality

III. Price and quality parity

IV. Fashion

V. Style

VI. Colour

VII. Assortment

VIII. Fabric

19. Whether easily you are guided in the sizes specified on labels?

       I.         Yes

       II.        No

20. Please, express the opinion which has not been mentioned above, concerning goods KIABI.


21. Any sign of goods КИАБИ was pleasant to you especially? If yes, specify what.



22. Please, estimate clothes КИАБИ to following signs in comparison with clothes which you got earlier in other shops?

1. Better

2. Also

3. Worse

I. The price

II. Quality

III. Style

23. Whether you are satisfied by visiting KIABI?

       I.      It is very satisfied

II.     It is satisfied

III.    Average satisfaction

IV.    It is not satisfied

V.     The opinion is absent

24. Whether you plan to visit shop KIABI again?

I.      Yes

II.     No

III.    I do not know

25. If yes, how often you plan to visit shop KIABI?

I.       Once a week

II.     Once in two weeks

III.    Once a month

IV.    Once in 2-6 months

V.     Once a year


26. Please, specify a position which you adhere concerning a fashion?

I.      The leader (to try, it is necessary to buy)

II.     I try to correspond to fashion trends

III.    Sensitive (fast reaction to changes in the fashion industry)

IV.   The follower (I put on as all)

V.     I do not correspond to a fashion, I choose the style

27. Where you usually buy clothes?