Устранение неисправностей Citect системы, страница 3

DrWatson attached:               Yes/No                         (Delete whichever does not apply)

Connection Diagram              Yes/No                         (Delete whichever does not apply) attached:

Priority for Solution:             Low/Medium/High/Urgent                                                                                   (Delete whichever does not apply)

Reason for priority if High or Urgent:


Details of problem / instructions to reproduce:

I am having problems creating history files for an Alarm summary device. The problem is, one big Alarmsum.txt file gets created and when I expect it to roll over to Alarmsum.001 nothing happens, and the .TXT file continues to grow. The .TXT file does have all the alarms correctly logged. I have attached a CUT DOWN TEST PROJECT, this has all my configured alarms, alarm category configuration and the Summary Device configuration. I have also included some Cicode which accesses the Summary device. I took an incremental approach to building the test project and I found that the history files got created successfully until I added the Cicode which accesses the device. I cannot understand why the Cicode is doing this so I am hoping Citect Support can Help.


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Instructor Notes: Chapter 20

Page 20-2:                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Citect Knowledge Base

Explain what the Citect Knowledge Base is.

Give a quick demonstration of how to use it.

Get the students to install the Knowledge Base and to do the searches in the exercise.

*** Prior to the course make the KB installation disks available in the same location on each student’s computer – tell the students the location of the SETUP.EXE file OR Install the KB onto each machine prior to the course ***

Page 20-2:                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The Citect Kernel

Explain the Kernel and give a bit of a demonstration.

Get the students to do the exercise and run their projects.

Page 20-4:                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Файл SYSLOG.DAT

Explain the purpose of the SYSLOG.DAT file and show them the contents of one.