Tell Me a Story (21 traditional stories from the British Isles dramatised by J.D.Graham), страница 22

When they arrived, Sid the landlord came up to greet them.   And then Harry lifted his hat and said “Do you remember the man in the white hat with the blue band round it??   And the landlord said “Yes, there’s some money here for him.”   And he gave Harry five pounds.   Charlie had lost the bet again and had to give Harry another five pounds.   But he was so sure that Harry couldn’t do the same thing again that he made another bet with him.   “I bet you five pounds you won’t be able to get any money at the next inn,” he said.   So Harry and Charlie went to the inn in the next village.

When they arrived, the landlord - whose name was Norman, you remember - came over to greet them.   Then Harry raised his hat and said “Do you remember the man in the white hat with the blue band round it?”   And the landlord said “Yes, there’s some money here for him.”   And he gave Harry five pounds.   Charlie had lost the bet - again - and had to give Charlie another five pounds.   “That’s the third five pounds I’ve given you this evening,” he said “That’s fifteen pounds!   And you’ve got fifteen pounds from the three landlords - that’s thirty pounds!”

Charlie began to think that Harry’s hat had something to do with getting the money, so he tried to buy Harry’s hat.   “Sell me your hat,” he said.   “I’ll give you five pounds for it.”   At first Harry wouldn’t sell his hat.   “No, I couldn’t part with that hat, Charlie.   There’s something very special about that hat.”   But, after some argument, Charlie offered to buy Harry’s hat for ten pounds- which Harry accepted.  So Harry set off for home with forty pounds in his pocket and Charlie set off for the next inn.

When Charlie arrived at the inn, the landlord came over to greet him.   Charlie raised his hat and said “Do you remember the man in the white hat with the blue band round it?”   And the landlord said “No.”   Charlie thought he must have made a mistake, so he put his hat back on and tried again.   But he got the same response.   He was very puzzled.   “Haven’t you got five pounds for me?” he asked.   “Of course not,” replied the landlord.   Charlie began to think that something was going wrong.   “This hat doesn’t work!” he cried and then he realised that he had been tricked.   “Wait until I catch up with Harry!” he shouted and leaving the astonished landlord, he rushed off into the night.   And that’s the end of the story.


This is a story about a boy called Joe.   He had to go to the market every week to sell cheese.   One day he met a wicked witch.   She said:  “Give me some of your cheese.”   But Joe said:  “No I won’t.   I don’t give cheese to witches.   I’m taking it to the market to sell.”   The witch stood in the road and wouldn’t let Joe get past.   She was carrying a sack over her shoulder and she said to Joe:  “If you don’t give me some of your cheese, I’ll put you in this sack and I’ll take you home and boil you for dinner.   Now, for the last time, will you give me some of your cheese?”   “No”, said Joe.

So the witch picked Joe up and put him into the sack and started to carry him home.   But on the way she suddenly remembered something.   She had forgotten the cooking pot that she had bought in town.   The sack was too heavy to be carried back to town, so the witch went over to a man nearby who was clipping a hedge.   “Could you do me a favour?” she asked politely.   “Would you mind looking after this sack until I come back?”   The man agreed.  “Certainly, madam,” he said.   “I’ll look after it until you come back.”

When Joe was sure that the witch had gone, he began to struggle and shout.   “Help!   Let me out!”   The man was very surprised.   “What are you doing in there?” he asked.   “You know that old lady who was talking to you just then?” said Joe.   “Well she’s a witch and she tied me up and put me in this sack.   Please let me out.”   The man was doubtful, but Joe said:   “If you let me out, I’ll give you some cheese.”   So the man untied the sack and let Joe out and Joe gave him some cheese.   Joe asked the man to help him fill the sack with branches from the hedge.   “I want to trick the witch,”, he said.   “When she comes back she won’t know I’ve escaped.”