Програма семестрового контролю з практики усного та писемного мовлення англійської мови (Модульна контрольна робота. Семестровий екзамен), страница 5

I do get my fair share of unpleasantness, usually from people who have had one or two too many. But this is rather rare. Most of the time, when people get in a cab, they enjoy knowing there’s a friendly person driving it. It’s good for me too. It helps me to feel good about my work. I get a lot of job satisfaction in this taxi.”


1. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the correct word from the box.

Total points 10 – 1 point for each correct answer.

bladder                 gland                  intestine           joint           vein

liver                     womb                 tendon              spine          vital organ

1. The heart, lungs, kidneys are some of your body's _________________.

2. Adrenaline is a hormone which is produced by the adrenal ______________.

3. Mrs. Dobbs suffers from arthritis and the __________ in her hands are terribly swollen and painful.

4. Drinking large amounts of alcohol, particularly at a young age, can cause lasting damage to the ___________.

5. As a result of his weak ____________ my grandfather has to get up several times during the night to urinate.

6. While still in the ____________ a baby begins to move, react to stimuli and generally prepare itself for life after birth.

7. Any job which involves standing for long periods of time can cause blood circulation problems and damage to the _____________ in the legs.

8. The athlete had to withdraw from the contest after wrenching a ________________ in his leg.

9. John's fall from the horse resulted in some bruising of the ______________ but thankfully there was no permanent damage and, he will soon be able to walk normally again.

10. When a patient is suffering from gastroenteritis the ___________ becomes swollen and extremely painful

2. Guess the words described by the following definitions.  Total points  – 5  ( 1 point for each correct answer).

1. To get better after an illness. (recover)

2. Someone who trains a person or team in sport. (coach)

3. A game that ends with both teams having the same number of points. (draw)

4. The series of jobs that a person has in his life, especially in the same area of work. (career).

5. A formal request in writing to be given the job, to be allowed to work or study. (application).

3. Translate the following sentences into English using Active Vocabulary. Total points – 5 (1 point for each correct answer).

1. 3апам'ятай, ти не повинен зловживати антибіотиками – вони погано впливають на нирки та печінку.

2. Різкий біль у грудях, ускладнення дихання, холодний піт свідчать про серцевий напад, при таких симптомах слід негайно викликати швидку допомогу.

3. Не може бути, щоб суддя не призначив пенальті. Ви, очевидно, не почули.

4. Хлопчик мріє стати хокеїстом. Йому слід купити ключку та шайбу.

5.Моя сестра з самого дитинства мріяла обрати професію вчителя.


You will hear a doctor talking about euthanasia. For questions 1-5, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear. Total points – 10 (2 points for each correct answer).

1. The term ’voluntary euthanasia’

  A   has been made up by the media.

  B   refers to a lissence that will permit doctors to assist a patient to die.

  C   refers to who makes the decision to bring about death.

  D   is synonymous with the term ’active euthanasia’.

2. The difference between active euthanasia and assisted suicide lies in

  A   the fact that one is legal and the other is not.

  B   whether it is a doctor or a nurse that is involved.

  C   the method by which death is brought about.

  D   who actually carries out the act that causes death.

3. If he disconnects a dying patient from a life support machine, a doctor