The cell physiology. Types of systems by the form an exchange of substance or energy. The photosynthesis

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The cell physiology.

By OLEGarh


  1. Cell as an open system.
  2. The organization of streams of energy, substance and the information.
  3. Life cycle of a cell.
  4. Autoreproduction of cells. Types of the cell divisions (classification).
  5. Cellular proliferation and its value for medicine.

By OLEGarh

Types of systems by the form an exchange of substance or energy:

  1. Isolated
  2. Adiabatic
  3. Closed
  4. Open systems - any exchange of substance and energy is possible .

By OLEGarh

The photosynthesis.

By OLEGarh

Oxygen stage of a power exchange.




Energy of electron

Solar energy




electrontransport chain



By OLEGarh

Plastic exchange.

  • photosynthesis;
  • 6СО2 + 6Н2О -> С6Н12О6 + 6О2
  • chemosynthesis;
  • H2S + O2 > H2O + S + Q
  • NH3 + O2 > H2NO3 + Q
  • biosynthesis of proteins;
  • protein---> amino acid---> own protein.

By OLEGarh

Synthesis of proteins.

  1. Activization of amino acid by specific enzyme at presence АТP with formation of aminoaciladenilate.
  2. Connection of the activated amino acid to specific t-RNA with liberation of AMP.
  3. Linkage of aminoacil t-RNA (t-RNA with the loaded amino acid) with ribosomes and inclusion of amino acids in the protein with liberation t-RNA .

By OLEGarh

  • The period of time from the ending of one division up to the end the following divisions name life cycle (or cellular).

By OLEGarh

The periods in life cycle of a cell

  1. the period between divisions - interphase when the cell grows, functions, is prepared for division;
  2. division of a cell - mitosis.

By OLEGarh

The periods of interphase.

  1. Postmitotic, or presynthetic period G1.
  2. Synthetic period S. 2n 2chr. 4С
  3. Postsynthetic, or premitotic period G2. 2n 2chr. 4С

By OLEGarh


MITOSIS AMITOTIC DIVISION 1. actually mitosis by the form by the type 2. Meiosis 3. Endomitosis 1. Equal 1. Generative 4. Polyteny. 2. Non-equal 2. Reactive 3. Fragmentation 3. Degenerative 4. Without cytotomy

By OLEGarh


By OLEGarh


By OLEGarh

Phases of mitosis:

  1. prophase,
  2. prometaphase,
  3. metaphase,
  4. anaphase,
  5. telophase.

By OLEGarh

Value of mitosis.

  1. Provides continuity of chromosomes in a number of cellular generations and uniform their distribution in daughter cells.
  2. The universal mechanism of reproduction of the cellular organization eukariotes.
  3. Genetic continuity, formation identical with parent daughter cells.
  4. Growth of an organism.
  5. Regeneration.
  6. Cellular proliferation.

By OLEGarh

  • Endomitosis - occuring chromosome replication without cell division
  • Polyteny - reproducing of chromonemms in chromosomes without increasing the chromosome number (up to 1000 and more times).
  • Amitotic division - nuclear fission without spiralisation of chromosomes and without formation of the mitotic apparatus.

By OLEGarh

Kinds of amitotic division:

  1. generative,
  2. reactive,
  3. degenerative.

By OLEGarh

Nuclear fission at amitotic division.

  1. Uniform
  2. Non-uniform
  3. Fragmentation

By OLEGarh

Three groups of the cellular proliferation:

  1. Labile
  2. Stable
  3. Static.

By OLEGarh


1-reducing (Meiosis 1), 2-equalizing (Meiosis 2) Meiosis 1 Prophase 1 - 5 stages: leptonemm zygonemm pahynemm diplonemm diakinesis Metaphase 1 Anaphase 1 Telophase 1 Meiosis 2 Prophase 2 Metaphase 2 Anaphase 2 Telophase 2

By OLEGarh


By OLEGarh

Value of meiosis.

  1. Provides formation of sexual cells.
  2. Promotes maintenance of a constancy of number of chromosomes.
  3. Causes a plenty of new combinations chromosomes.
  4. Forms a plenty combination genes.
  5. Is a source of combinative diversity.

By OLEGarh

Thanks for attention.

By OLEGarh

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