Table 5-1 Board list 5-2
Table 6-1 Specifications of LWF/LWFS/LWS 6-5
Table 6-2 Specifications of OCU/OCUS/TMX/TMXS 6-8
Table 6-3 Specifications of LWC and LWC1 6-10
Table 6-4 Specifications of LDG 6-13
Table 6-5 Specifications of LBE and LBES 6-16
Table 6-6 Specifications of LWX 6-19
Table 6-7 Specifications of LWM 6-22
Table 6-8 Specifications of LGS 6-25
Table 6-9 Specifications of LQS 6-27
Table 6-10 Specifications of AP4 6-29
Table 6-11 Specifications of EC8 6-31
Table 6-12 List of regenerating boards 6-32
Table 6-13 Specifications of regenerating board 6-34
Table 7-1 Specifications of M40 7-3
Table 7-2 Specifications of D40 7-5
Table 7-3 Specifications of V40 7-7
Table 7-4 Specifications of MB2 7-9
Собственность Huawei Technologies
OptiX BWS 1600G HDM
Table 7-5 Specifications of MR2 7-11
Table 7-6 Specifications of ITL 7-13
Table 7-7 Specifications of FIU-I and FIU-II 7-16
Table 7-8 Specifications of FIU-III and FIU-IV 7-17
Table 8-1 Specifications of OAU 8-4
Table 8-2 Specifications of OBU 8-6
Table 8-3 Specifications of OPU 8-8
Table 8-4 Specifications of WBA 8-10
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