10.3 MWF 10-9
11 Protection Units 11-1
11.1 OCP 11-2
11.2 OLP 11-4
11.3 SCS 11-7
11.4 PBU 11-9
12 Optical Supervisory Unit and System Control and Communication Unit 12-1
12.1 SC1/SC2 12-2
12.2 TC1/TC2 12-4
12.3 SCC/SCE 12-7
A Indicators A-1
A.1 Cabinet Indicators A-1
A.2 Board Indicators A-2
A.2.1 Alarm Indicator A-2
A.2.2 Running Indicator A-2
A.2.3 Communication Indicator A-3
B Power Consumption and Weight of the Boards B-1
CAbbreviations and Acronyms C-1
Index i-1
Собственность Huawei Technologies
OptiX BWS 1600G HDM
Figure 1-1 Appearance of the OptiX BWS 1600G 1-2
Figure 1-2 Exploded view of the cabinet 1-4
Figure 2-1 Front view of the power box 2-3
Figure 2-2 PMU DIP switches 2-5
Figure 2-3 The cable between the SERIAL interface and subracks 2-6
Figure 2-4 ALARM pins diagram 2-7
Figure 2-5 Alarm cable 2-9
Figure 3-1 The OptiX BWS 1600G subrack structure diagram 3-1
Figure 3-2 The subrack interface area 3-3
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