January 1st 2011
Some LaTeX Background
LATEX builds on the TEX type setting system
LATEX provides a high-level language that accesses the power of TEX
Separation of content and visual presentation
January 1st 2011
\begin{block}{Font Sizes}
{\tiny This is an example for a really \verb|\tiny| text.}\\
{\scriptsize \verb|\scriptsize| is too small for a presentation.}\\
{\footnotesize \verb|\footnotesize| is the minimum font size.}\\
{\small \verb|\small| is slightly smaller than the default.}\\
{\normalsize \verb|\normalsize| is the usual default font size.}\\
{\large \verb|\large| is obvioulsy pretty large.}\\
{\Large \verb|\Large| is even larger!}\\
{\LARGE If it is still not large enough, use \verb|\LARGE|} \end{block}
Rule #2
Make sure that your audience understands exactly what you want them to see and consider!
This in turn means making sure that
All diagrams, pictures, tables, and formulas are clearly labeled
All diagrams are scaled to make important distinctions clear
No diagrams, pictures, or tables contain information which is not relevant to the point you wish to make
Every slide has a distinct purpose
Rule #3
Make sure you stay within the bounds of your given time!
Prepare an appropriate number of slides (rule of thumb: minutes/3)
Select the most important details that fit into the time frame
Practice the presentation at least once
60 / 60
Уважаемый посетитель!
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