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Jörgen Sandberg is an associate professor in the Center for Management and Organization at Stockholm School of Economics. He received his Ph.D. from Göteborg University. His research interests focus on competence and learning in organizations, leadership, social constructionism, and qualitative methods, including their philosophical assumptions.
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[1] What matters concerning the reliability of results within the interpretative approach adopted in this study is not the frequency of statements about the attributes. Instead, the crucial reliability question concerns the conception as a whole and the way in which essential attributes are related to each other. As I described in the Methods section, the interpretative approach used in this study does not focus on the statements themselves, as is common in most forms of content analysis. Rather, a statement has a particular meaning in relation to the context of the surrounding statements and the transcript as a whole.
In this study, reliability was achieved in terms of interpretative awareness and the coding of selected transcripts against a conception and its attributes by an independent researcher achieving agreement of 90 percent. The reliability of the statements was checked in the sense that the independent researcher did not find statements that were inconsistent with the conceptions or their attributes.
[2] In the quotations, the number following "O" indicates the particular optimizer who was speaking.
[3] Numbers are the frequencies with which the attributes were expressed.
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