The finding that the third conception is the most comprehensive suggests that the individuals holding that conception are the most competent and that those holding the first conception are the least competent with regard to engine optimization. Some empirical evidence supported this proposal, in that optimizers who expressed more comprehensive conceptions also expressed less comprehensive conceptions, while the reverse did not occur. This became particularly clear when the optimizers were asked to review their peers. Optimizers expressing the most comprehensive conception were judged to be the most competent by the other optimizers interviewed. However, when I asked the optimizers expressing the first and second conceptions what distinguished their colleagues expressing the third conception, they all indicated that those colleagues had more of the attributes typical of their own conceptions. For example, an optimizer expressing the first conception believed his colleague, who expressed conception 3, had more of the attribute of being accurate and methodical in the optimization work than he himself had:
07: But then there are people who have the same amount of knowledge as XX [a colleague expressing the third conception] but despite that don't reach a desirable result. I don't know why that is.
I: Don't you have any ideas about that? What do you mean when
you say that some of the optimizers have the same amount of knowledge as
07: There are a number of optimizers who have been here for a long time but despite that they have to carry out ten tests in order to reach the same result that XX maybe will see from one or two tests.
I: So you mean the fact that they have many years of experience doesn't mean everything? 07: No.
I: But what do you think it depends on then?
07: A great sense of being methodical and systematic in the work. You change one thing at a time and you don't change ten things because then you don't know which one was the cause of the change or the result of the change.
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014: You know. here how accurately you have to adjust the parameters. . . You have to have those rules of thumb to be able to judge where to make the thrust [direct efforts] because we are always under time pressure, and it's those small tricks [seeing links between qualities of the engine].
I: But how have you acquired those small tricks?
014: You have to listen, and XY [a colleague expressing the third conception] is that type of person, because he's an old hand . . . you discuss with him.
I: Does he have even more tricks then?
•014: Yes, he has a great many tricks, it's obvious, well tricks, he has knowledge, he knows how it works.
I: But tricks, does it mean that you know what to
014: Yes, yes, it isn't really anything strange, but it, strange or strange, but it isn't any kind of cheating, but it's like that.
The optimizers who expressed the more comprehensive conceptions, however, were able to point out that there were less comprehensive conceptions of engine optimization and were also able to articulate the less comprehensive conceptions accurately. For instance, one optimizer who expressed the second conception described optimizers expressing the first conception as less competent:
019: You can say that this is the whole project . there is also a time axis. So it's
very easy to just work with this issue [a quality of the engine] here [at
present] and not realize the links between other qualities that are here [in
the future]. Then you work in isolation and don't see what will happen here [in
the future]. .
It's difficult for the "technician" to avoid falling into the
trap and . to prioritize.
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