The Umbrella man. Dip in the pool. The Butler. The Hitchhiker. My Lady Love, My Dove, страница 28

4. laughing-stock d) a line or set of marks left by a person, animal, vehicle, that

has passed before;

5. solace               e) people of high social class;

6. trophy               f) foolish talk, nonsense;

7. crown               g) a woman who receives guests and provides them with food,

drink and amusement;

8. gentry               h) extreme dislike, hate;

9. hostess              i) smth. gained after much effort, esp. in war or hunting;

10. praise              j) smth., such as a fact, sign or object that gives proof or reasons

to believe or agree with smth.;

11. quarrel            k) fate, what must happen and cannot be changed or controlled;

12. objection         l) a reason or argument against;

13. verse              m) the use of movement of the body, esp. of the hands, to express

a certain meaning;

14. bosh               n) someone or something that is regarded as foolish and causes

unkind laughter;

15. hag                 o) writing arranged in regular lines, with a pattern of repeated

beats as in music, and often with rhymes;

16. gesture            p) comfort in grief or anxiety, lessening of trouble in the mind;

17. mercy             q) an ugly or unpleasant woman, esp. one who is old and is

thought to be evil;

18. destiny            r) an angry argument, often about smth. not very important.

3. Rephrase these colloquial expressions in your own words.

Did it cost you a packet? (37)

I’ve half a mind to do it (37)

I don’t think that’s your cup of tea (38)

Selling like hot cakes (38)

Hot stuff (39)

Come off it (39)

I must bolt (40)

I must watch my step (48)

All that’s a bit above my head (53)

It’s no good crying over spilt milk (54)

4. Find the English equivalents of the following expressions; make up your own sentences using these expressions.

Девичья фамилия; охотничьи трофеи; изящная фигура; она была бесплодна; не иметь ничего общего; естественно они отдалились; ему надо отдать ей должное она, она никогда ему не надоедала; давать взаймы деньги; поменять тему разговора; позорное недоразумение; за кого вы меня принимаете; мы, критики, получаем больше тумаков, чем пятаков; душераздирающие страницы; Джордж был ошеломлён; я думаю, что это не для меня; лесть; заканчиваться; провал, фиаско; разница в возрасте; посмотрел ему прямо в глаза; горький опыт; облегчить душу, признаться.

Reading Comprehension:

1. Find facts in the story to prove that:

a) George Peregrine was a typical, very conventional country gentleman;

b) Evie was a very good wife, but she was no longer young and attractive.

2. Answer the following questions:

1. What can you say about the social position of the Peregrines? Are they rich?

2. Why didn’t Mrs. Peregrine open the parcel? What was in there?

3. Why had she used her maiden name for the book?

4. Did Mr. Peregrine really want to read his wife’s book?

5. Describe Mr. Peregrine, his occupation, his appearance, his hobbies.

6. What can you say about his wife? Was she attractive? Did she try to look younger?

7. How can you describe their relationships?

8. What was the people’s attitude towards Evie?

9. Was Mr. Peregrine faithful to his wife? How did his lover look like?

10. Had Mr. Peregrine really write the book? Did it seem interesting for him?

11. What strange thing happened one day to Mr. Peregrine?

12. Why do you think Evie wanted her husband to be present at the cocktail party organized by the American publisher?

13. Why did Mr. Peregrine think that all the guests said just flattering things to his wife?

14. Did he understand why all the guests looked at him in rather a funny sort of way?

15. What did George mean saying: they liked glamour in America?

16. Why didn’t Mr. Peregrine want to ask Evie for the second cope of the book?

17. Did George read the book more attentively for the second time? Why? Was he interested in it?

18. What was the book about?