Create a Power Point presentation on Insurance. The presentation should introduce the topic of insurance to unprofessional audience; explain basic ideas and guiding principles of insurance and its main kinds. The presentation should refer to what you learned about insurance, kinds of insurance, basic insurance principles and rules of risk management.
To prepare for your project, you’ll need to access the three tutorials on the pages indicated below. Follow the directions that come with the tutorials. After completing these tutorials, you’ll be ready to start your project.
Project 3 “To Insure or not to insure” debate
Make up a plan of a debate on insurance and hold it in class. The debate should focus on the topic of insurance; discuss the basic ideas and guiding principles of insurance and its main kinds. The contents of debate should refer to what you learned about insurance, kinds of insurance, basic insurance principles and rules of risk management.
To prepare for your project, you’ll need to access the three tutorials on the pages indicated below. Follow the directions that come with the tutorials. After completing these tutorials, you’ll be ready to start your project.
Tutorial 1: Arming Yourself With the Basics
Insurance helps provide financial protection for unforeseen losses for you and your family. There are many different types of insurance including health and medical, auto, life, travel, homeowners, and rental insurance. Insurance is an important tool for all individuals managing and planning their personal finances.
Access: Insurance Basics.doc/Bank of information folder
Read the information on insurance basics and answer the following questions:
· Explain what insurance means and define its main aims.
· What is premium and do you consider insurance is worth regular premium paying?
· What kind of insurance policies is the most common with clients and would you personally buy such a policy for yourself or for your relatives?
· How do you understand the following quote by Ambrose Bierce: “Insurance. An ingenious modern game of chance in which the player is permitted to enjoy the comfortable conviction that he is beating the man who keeps the table.” Do you agree with the author’s opinion?
· Do you think insurance business in Belarus is as promising as abroad? Give arguments to prove your opinion.
Tutorial 2: Seven Guiding Principles of insurance
Access: p.17-23 Insurance For Dummies.pdf/Bank of information folder
Study the indicated information and answer the following questions:
· What are the basic seven insurance principles you have learnt about? Do all of them make sense to you?
· Do you consider these principles worthy to follow? Would you add any more principle based on your personal life experience?
· Do you think the principle “Don’t risk More than You Can Afford to Lose” is typical for the Belarusian environment? Do you follow it in your everyday life?
· Have you or your family ever bought any insurance policy? If ‘yes’ – what kind, if ‘no’ why and would you change your opinion after reading the indicated information?
· Don’t you think Belarusian society is rather prejudiced towards insurance policies? If you think ‘yes’, explain your reasons and offer the ways to solve the situation, if ‘no’ give examples to prove your opinion.
Tutorial 3: Practicing the ARRT of Risk Management
Access: p.26-29 Insurance for Dummies.pdf/Bank of information folder
In order to combine the four risk treatment strategies in practice you are supposed to solve ‘Putting ARRT into action: Case Study’ using the information you studied:
You younger sister is about to turn sixteen and she wants to get her driver license. Your parents can obviously avoid the risk associated with an 18-year old girl driver by not allowing her to get a driving license Use the combination of strategies to managing the risk and convince your parents to allow your sister to drive.
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