Value at risk has also been proposed as an alternative risk measure in hedge fund performance measurement. Value at risk (VaRi) describes the possible loss of an investment, which is not exceeded with a given probability of 1 a in a certain period. In case of normally distributed returns, the so-called standard value at risk can be computed by VaRi ¼ ðrdi þ za riÞ, where za denotes the a-quantile of the standard normal distribution. Instead of standard value at risk, the literature frequently considers expected loss under the condition that the value at risk is exceeded. This conditional value at risk is defined as CVaRi = E[ritjrit 6 VaRi]. The advantage of conditional value at risk is that it satisfies certain plausible axioms (see Artzner et al., 1999). If returns do not display a normal distribution pattern, the Cornish–Fisher expansion can be used to include skewness and kurtosis in computing value at risk. The modified value at risk based on the Cornish–Fisher expansion is calculated as MVaRi ¼ ðrdi þ ri ðza þ ðz2a 1Þ Si=6þ ðz3a 3 zaÞ Ei=24 ð2 z3a 5 zaÞ S2i =36ÞÞ, where Si denotes skewness and Ei excess kurtosis for security i (see Favre and Galeano, 2002).
The performance measures excess return on value at risk (see Dowd, 2000), the conditional Sharpe ratio (see Agarwal and Naik, 2004), and the modified Sharpe ratio (see Gregoriou and Gueyie, 2003) can be used when risk is measured by standard value at risk, conditional value at risk, or modified value at risk, respectively:
rdi rf
Excess return on value at riski ¼ ; ð9Þ
rdi rf
Conditional Sharpe ratioi ¼ ; ð10Þ
rdi rf
Modified Sharpe ratioi ¼ : ð11Þ
There are two classic performance measures explicitly constructed for situations in which only a small portion of the investor’s wealth is allocated to the hedge fund under consideration.
The Jensen measure considers the average return of the fund above that predicted by the capital asset pricing model. The beta factor (b) is generally calculated using the correlation between the returns of a market index and the returns of the investment fund. However, for the decision-making situation discussed in Section 4 (the hedge fund represents only a portion of the investor’s wealth), it is appropriate to compute b by replacing the market index with a so-called reference portfolio, which represents the investor’s portfolio without the hedge fund (see Breuer et al., 2004, pp. 374–396):
Jensen measurei ¼ rdi rf rdrp rf bi: ð12Þ
The Jensen measure is often criticized because it can be manipulated by leveraging the fund return. The Treynor ratio does not suffer from this defect. The Treynor ratio considers the excess return of the fund in relation to its beta factor: rdi rf
ratioi ¼ : ð13Þ bi
Again, as with Jensen’s measure, in our empirical analysis the beta factor is estimated on the basis of the correlation between the hedge fund and the investor’s reference portfolio without the hedge fund.
3. Measuring performance when the fund represents the entire risky investment
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