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Статья 1. Разные в практике конкурентной разведки
Examining differences in competitive intelligence practice: China, Japan, and the West
Craig S. Fleisher1,*, Sheila Wright2
Article first published online: 16 APR 2009
DOI: 10.1002/tie.20263
© 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Thunderbird International Business Review
Volume 51, Issue 3, pages 249–261, May/June 2009
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This article identifies the state of competitive intelligence (CI) in Asia—specifically, two of its most prominent economic powers, China and Japan. Comparisons with Western, mainly U.S. practice, are made, particularly where data and management research from those countries supports this approach. In terms of current practice, CI in Japan is more developed than in China, although China continues to devote increasing attention and resources to the area. Decision makers in multinational companies, competing in China or Japan, or with firms that originate there, should be aware of the competitive implications emanating from their utilization of CI. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals,
Статья 2.Новые инструменты конкурентного анализа: относительной прибыльности и роста матрицы.
A new competitive analysis tool: the relative profitability and growth matrix
Type: Conceptual paper
Author(s): Joseph Calandro Jr, Scott Lane
Source: Strategy & Leadership Volume: 35 Issue: 2 2007
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to introduce the relative profitability and growth matrix and to demonstrate its use as a competitive analysis tool.
Design/methodology/approach – Two well-known drivers of value are profitability and growth. After a study of 2?×?2 matrices we applied these drivers on a relative or industry comparative basis to a 2?×?2 matrix, and then we applied that matrix to competitive analyses of two industries to assess its strategic utility.
Findings – Our findings suggest that the relative profitability and growth matrix could be a useful competitive analysis screening and communications tool.
Practical and research implications – The relative profitability and growth matrix assesses a firm's profitability and growth relative to its industry and by so doing helps to identify and classify performance in a succinct format that facilitates further analysis. After such analysis has been completed the matrix can also serve as a convenient tool to communicate the analytical findings.
Originality/value – The relative profitability and growth matrix is a value-driver based 2?×?2 matrix, the strategic utility of which is demonstrated and explained in two examples.
Статья 3. Improving competitive analysis with temporal text visualization
Type: Research paper
Author(s): Camilla Magnusson
Source: Marketing Intelligence & Planning Volume: 28 Issue: 5 2010
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to develop a visualization method for texts produced by a company's competitors, partners, or customers. This method can be used for competitive intelligence purposes, and in particular, for spotting changes over time in a company's communication.
Design/methodology/approach – Based on the judgments of expert readers, topics considered to be important in the quarterly reports of two telecommunication companies were turned into so-called collocational networks, using a statistical method originating in linguistics.
Findings – The paper shows that when collocational topic networks are produced out of a sequence of quarterly reports, they provide a visualization of how the presentation of these topics changes from one-quarter to the next.
Research limitations/implications – The statistical method used in this paper does not handle low-frequency topics, that nevertheless might be of great importance, very well. The method could be developed further so that users' judgments of importance are given more weight.
Practical implications – The method developed in this paper can be turned into a data visualization tool for intelligence practitioners.
Originality/value – Textual data are often overlooked in competitive intelligence, as it is more difficult to visualize and present than quantitative data, such as financial ratios. The method presented here is an easy to grasp “white box” approach to visualizing textual data, as it combines the judgments of subject matter experts with a statistical method.
Статья 4. Конкурентный анализ стратегии интеграции предприятия.
Competitive analysis of enterprise integration strategies
Type: Research paper
Author(s): Warren Briggs, Barry Shore
Source: Industrial Management & Data Systems Volume: 107 Issue: 7 2007
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