a. The place chosen for the advert will depend on the target market.
b. The place chosen for the advert will depend on the brand awareness.
c. The place chosen for the advert will depend on the retailers.
2) What do public relations mean?
a. Public relations is concerned with production of goods and services.
b. Public relations is concerned with maintaining, improving or protecting the image of a company or product.
c. Public relations is concerned with buying goods and services for the public.
3) What is the purpose of sales promotion?
a. Sales promotions stimulate either earlier or stronger sales of a product.
b. Sales promotions protect the image of a company.
c. Sales promotions inform potential customers about the product’s disadvantages.
4) What are the main tools of sales promotion?
a. Sales promotions are free smples, coupons, price reductions, competitions.
b. Sales promotions are television, radio and national press.
c. The main tools of sales promotion are advertising and public relations.
5) What does personal selling involve?
a. Personal selling involves a person-to-person direct communication.
b. Personal selling involves mass media advertising.
c. Personal selling involves communication through magazines and newspapers.
3. Read the text again and find the word which means:
1) Client / person who buys in a shop (p. 1);
2) Action of announcing the sale of something; business of describing goods for sale (p. 2);
3) Means of communicating information (p. 3).
4. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words:
Applicants, to manufacture, profit, personnel office, customers
1) The … of our company has increased during the last year.
2) We are always very polite with the … of our shop.
3) We are going to interview three … for the position.
4) All the information about the staff of the firm can be found in ….
5) … such kind of goods is very profitable nowadays.
5. Choose the correct form of the verb:
1) The company first … its overall purpose and mission.
a. define b. defines c. is defined
2) Last year advertising … a positive effect on customers.
a. had b. have c. has
3) Next year this new company … a corporate company image associated with their product.
a. create b. creates c. will create
4) The laws concerning competition … recently.
a. improve b. have improved c. improves
5) When the figures arrived, they … already … twice.
a. had drafted b. have drafted c. will draft
6. Put the questions to the underlined words:
1) The main form of competition is price competition. (What …?)
2) Advertising agencies are asked to design trademarks and packaging. (What …?)
3) Advertising has become part of our daily lives. (What …?)
4) The company published some excellent results last year. (When …?)
5) We want to see the accounts because we have not seen them. (Why …?)
7. Write the letter in the appropriate order, use the notes in box to complete the letter:
You work at Brown & Smith Ltd. as a Marketing Manager. Invite your partners to take part in the trade fair and sign contracts.
1. Dear Sirs,
2. Richard & Brown Ltd.
11, Boswell Way
Nagstead, Kent
3. 20 May, 2006
4. Yours faithfully,
R. Hendrics
Marketing Manager
Brown & Smith Ltd.
5. Brown & Smith Ltd.
1304 Sherman ave.
Madison, Wisconsin
6. Enc. Invitation
Варіант 1
1. Read the text and translate the marked part:
Factors of Production
(1) Every society is endowed with resources which are used to produce the goods and services that enable it to survive and prosper. These resources, sometimes called productive resources or factors of production, can be classified into three groups: natural resources, human resources, and capital resources.
(2) Natural resources are the gifts of nature that are used to produce goods and services. They include land, timber, fish, oil and mineral deposits, the fertility of the soil, climatic conditions suitable for growingcrops, and so on.
(3) Human resources are the health, strength, education, and skills of people. The number of people available for work and the hours they work constitute only one dimension of human resources. Another dimension is the level of ability of people and their motivation. The ability of some people to organize economic activity by taking the risks associated with starting a new business or introducing new goods or services into the marketplace in hopes of earning a profit is given a special name, “entrepreneurship”.
(4) Capital goods are the buildings, equipment, machinery, ports, roads, dams, and other manufactured and constructed things needed to produce or provide access to other goods and to supply services. The variety of capital goods available and the ways they are used reflect the state of technology, which in turn reflects existing scientific and technical knowledge and the resources devoted to developing such knowledge.
2. Match the words from the marked paragraphs with their definitions:
1) Activity done for others for a fee (p. 1);
2) Supply of minerals available in the ground (p. 1, 2);
3) Individuals’ ability to start new businesses, to introduce new products and techniques (p. 3);
4) All the property – machines, buildings, and tools – that people use to make other goods and services (p. 4);
5) Knowledge/study of new industrial or scientific skills (p. 4).
3. Read the text and decide whether these statements are true or false:
1) There are enough productive resources to satisfy all of our wants.
2) It is necessary to have to have all three factors of production for production to take place.
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