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Moscow capital and largest city of Russia, is at the centre of European Russia of Russian Plain. The first mention of Moscow has appeared in the annals of 1147. The geographical rule(situation) of Moscow, at the centre of Russian grounds, on a coast of a navigable hand, in Me>KflypeHbe Oku and Volga, on a crossroads of ancient trade ways was economically favourable and was by one of the basic reasons of its(her) growth - in the beginning as centre of trade, craft, first KynenecKnx MaHycpaiayp, and then textile factories. Since 13 centuries Moscow the centre KHawecTBa, in 14 century Moscow became the centre Great KHawecTBa Moscow, from 2 half 15 centuries Moscow - capital of the uniform Russian state. In 1712, Peter 1 has moved capital of Russia in CaHKT of St. Petersburg, but Moscow continued to prosper as the cultural and economic centre. During Domestic revolution of 1812 in September- October was strongly destroyed. After country reform of 1861 in Moscow the number of the textile, shoe, food and metalcutting enterprises has increased. In the beginning of 20 century Moscow became one of the largest centres of the capital in Russia. The armed revolt in Moscow in December, 1905 was maximum item of development of 1-st Russian revolution. After revolution of 1917, Moscow became capital of RSFSR and USSR.
The old part of Moscow has a paflnanbHO-ring lay-out. A historical nucleus of Moscow - ensemble of Moscow Kremlin, near to it(him) MaB3oneti of a name B.H. /lemma on the Red area, temple Bacunna EnaweHHoro. Church in Kolomna, architectural complexes of monasteries Don, ensembles of manors, churches, inhabited and public buildings 18 - 1-st half 19 centuries in style Knaccnu,M3Ma: the house (nowadays case of library of a name flem/ma), Noble assembly, Moscow State University, Large theatre. Moscow has more than 60 theatres,100 museums and 75 higher educational institutions (including 2 universities), in which studies about nonyropa of millions students. In Moscow Russian Academy of sciences, and also Moscow State University, largest and most prestigious educational establishment of the country is placed. The city has more than 4,000 libraries, including Library of a name, country, containing the largest collection, of the books and. The basic museums Gallery, Museum of a name, Weapon chamber and Diamond fund located in Kremlin with a collection of jewels and peranni/i.China - city
Historical area of Moscow including the Red area and quarters, to Kremlin from east.
His(its) part along the river of Moscow is called 3apnabe. Was trade nocaflOM. In 1535-1538 years was surrounded stone wall with towers and by a gate (are disassembled in the beginning of 30-s1 years of 20 century). In China - city there are a lot of architectural monuments 17-20centuries.
Moscow Kremlin
Most ancient and central part of Moscow, on a hill, on the left coast of the river of Moscow, one of of architectural ensembles of the world. In 1156 Kremlin was the shaft; in 1367 are erected Wall and tower from white stone, and in 1485-1495 years from Brick. The towers have received in 17 century existing
Nowadays apycHbie and LuaTpoBbie of nd. In Kremlin monuments of Russian architecture 15-17
Centuries: cathedrals - Blagoveshchensk (1484-1489) and Arkhangelsk (1505-1508), KonoKonbi-m " \Asan Great" (1505-1508), the chamber (1487-1491), (1635-1636) and many other things is built on in 1600, TpaHOBHTaa. In 1776-1787 years the building of a Senate, in 1839-1849 - Large Kremlin flBopeu, and in 1844-1851 - Weapon chamber is constructed. Among towers of Kremlin is most significant CnaccKaa (on her hours the Kremlin chiming clock). The remarkable monuments of Russian foundry art -" King a gun " (16 centuries)," King a bell" (18 centuries) are saved
ore quarter of the population of Moscow is engaged in manufacture, in various industries. Within the Soviet authority in Moscow the diversified industry is created, its(her) structure by a radical image is reconstructed. A share of mechanical engineering and metal working sharply has increased, are advanced: motor industry, machine-tool construction, electromechanical engineering, instrument making a textile industry much another.
During the Soviet period, all urban industrial and commercial enterprises belonged to the state. Today majority of the enterprises npnBaTM3i/ipoBaHbi. The large enterprises are transformed to the joint-stock companies. The fine enterprises npnBaTM3npyK)TCfl also are sold from auction. The Soviet system of planning has given preference to Moscow in distribution of the goods. In result Moscow was better supplied, than any other city or area in the country.
The population of Moscow during the Soviet period coped by the law. Only legally registered persons had the right to a living space and job. The statistics of the population remains, therefore inexact, as the persons registered by urban government were counted up. Costing(standing) in 1970-1980 years before shortage of a manpower the industries, based in Moscow, began to involve(attract) working of other cities. These workers were named nuMnmnKaMM. JlnMHTHMKaM charged the most dirty job, but for it them gave a registration in Moscow.
In Moscow highly centralized transport system. The city is served by four airports. The international airport LUepeivieTbeBO II, constructed in 1979, meets and sees off on the average 15,000 passengers daily. Nine railway stations meet and see off of 2 million passengers each day. Moscow also has extensive urban public transport system are trams, line of buses and trolley buses, and also the underground, which is in itself architectural masterpiece. The first stations of the underground have opened in 1935. The stations of the Moscow underground are richly decorated with mosaics, heavy lusters and MOHyMemranbHbiMn by statues. With extent of lines more than 200 kilometers and 140 stations, the Moscow underground meets of 8 millions passengers daily. Within the Soviet authority, the urban government coped by urban and regional bodies KoMMyHMCTMHecKOM of a party(set). In 1991 the first mayor was elected; self-management at the same time was reorganized. Now Moscow is divided(shared) into 10 administrative districts, in which chapter costs(stands) npecbeicr, nominated by the mayor. The districts are divided(shared) into municipal areas, which number is equal 134.
The population of Moscow in 1991 has made about 9 millions the man. The city, settles down on the River of Moscow, Moscow borrows(occupies) the area in 879 square kilometers. In Moscow rather long and cold winters, and summer it happens very hotly.
In 20 century Moscow has played the large role in the world as capital USSR and headquarters world(global) KOMMyHMCTunecKoro of movement. Moscow was the political and economic centre, not only for the Soviet Union, but also for other socialist states. With crash USSR in 1991 Moscow has lost a rule(situation) as capital of empire, but she has remained capital of Russia and one of the main cities of the world.
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Сферы - промышленность, ритейл, производственные компании, стартапы, финансы и другие направления.
Языки программирования: Java, PHP, Ruby, C++, .NET, Python, Go, Kotlin, Swift, React Native, Flutter и многие другие.
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