The problem of oil flood. Курсовая работа

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Содержание работы

Executed by

the student of group P-4522 Inna Kravchuk,

co-author- I.P.Shtabnoy

The problem of oil flood.

The term ecological catastrophe has already become habitual for us. The problems of ecology and pollution of an environment are discussed by politics, scientific, public figures, about this problem there is  a lot of  written work, a lot of said words, but these problems  still remain. The scientists proved, that the problems of ecology directly influence on people’s health, especial on young people. And in  contemporary  demographic crisis it becomes the one of global problems. The states - participants of the international relations try to do all as possible for solution of these problems.            

For last 10 years  there was a huge quantity of petroleum flood cases and they cannot be listed . The time goes, but the new cases are more awfully and more awfully and occur everywhere. 16 years ago in Honduras  port Trujillo at  the coast of the Caribbean sea six thousand barrel of liquid asphalt  poured out from holds of the tanker, which has sat on a bank. Viscous, painted by black color water of Trujillo gulf  threw out on beaches dead sea turtles and fish; many kilometers of the coastal sand were covered by  petroleum film. The unique population of  sea iguana on Galapagos  islands had incurred serious losses since that time when nearby there was a flood of petroleum. Later near the coast of Philippines the tanker with 1800 tons of black oil sinked . 300 kms of coast in two provinces of the country were in petroleum, 500 sectare of  unique woods, 60 sectare of seaweed plantations were polluted. Sea reservat Taklong among waters polluted by petroleum was on it’s  territory  there are 29 kinds of corals, 144 kinds of fishes. As a result of  black oil flood about 3 thousand families have suffered, they constituted  15 thousand of people. One year before it the island Semirara failure happened on the barge transporting black oil for national power corporation, then 200-300 tons of black oil spread, tens kilometers of coast were polluted, there were thousand people, who appeared without sources of food and means to existence

Except  threats of petroleum flood from tankers, there are  floods from oil pipelines, which transfer the petroleum from our country to others. The system  “East Siberia – Pacific ocean” which should pass through Baikal was discussed for a long time. The company “Transneft” declared  about extremely high reliability of their work. But the real accidents on oil pipelines "Transneft" are much higher, than declared fantastic 0,04 cases 1000 kms a year. During  period from 2005 till 2006 about 20 cases of petroleum flood  took place. 

The company "Transneft " considers a situation to be failure if it concern to extreme situations according to the working normative documents. This document which named  “Instructions for definition of the lower level of petroleum flood for reference of emergency flood to an extreme situation " is authorized by the order Russia from 03.03.2003 N156. If 0,3-1,5 t. of petroleum is enough for reference of  flood  and petroleum on a surface of water objects (except for peat bogs), on district, including bogs, it is possible to pour much more. In territory of the occupied items it is possible to pour up to 30 t. of petroleum on a surface with a firm covering and up to 15 t. - on a surface without a firm covering, that it was not considered as an extreme situation. On other territories it is possible to spill up to 7 t. It’s truth, that any fact of flood is considered t be extreme in water secured zones of water objects.

The ecological problem  flared up around  the project of Sakhalin - 2. Okhotsk sea is the one of the most problematic places for production of petroleum, taking into account existence of an ice cover six months in one year, and also because of a dense fog, strong winds and waves. However in summer months the sea returns to life, set of migrant  kinds of animals appears, including such rare kinds as whiteshouldered sea eagle and grey western population whale. The company "Shell" which conducts construction of the project has not developed the plan of actions in case of flood of petroleum in conditions of an ice cover. Moreover, in the report "Shell" emphasizes absence of mathematical models for forecasting moving of petroleum conditions of an ice cover. Without this information the estimation of influence of the project on an environment is not complete. It is necessary to make the strict plan of actions for an extreme situation of flood of petroleum, because production of petroleum conducted in such vulnerable district, which is important locality for many kinds. It is the most difficult  place in a world for concerning opportunities of acceptance of any actions that  which concern flood of petroleum. Height of waves in the spring and winter time frequently in five higher than that level, with which the modern methods of liquidation of consequences can consult. In the documents "Shell"  suggests to use ice-holes in sea ice (natural spaces among ice, free from it) to burn floods of petroleum. However these sites of water without ice - vital place of life for sea essences - beginning from plankton  and finishing sea mammal. The burning of petroleum in ice-holes can influence on whole chain of a meal, that was taken into account by the company. The experts estimate, that the probability of flood of petroleum during existence of this project constituted 24 %. The floods of petroleum which take place in this winter on Alaska at northern coast of Japan should be caution. Both floods were found out insufficiently quickly, the consequences of any of them were not eliminated. Because of flood at coast of Japan thousand birds, including rare kinds were lost. The absence of necessary technologies of clearing of floods in conditions of an ice cover represents serious threat to the arrogant plans in Arctic Region of the company "Shell" and other companies.

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