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Television and its impact on children
TV is a part of our lives. Unfortunately, not just we were under his influence but our children too. For many people it is still the only way to get information. The influence of television on children is different in different periods of their life. For children under 2 years TV can be dangerous to the physical health of the child. It tires of child’s nervous system, it can lead to chronic fatigue. A child has a little interest in television, but if parents set an example by their behavior, it draws him more and more. Prolonged sitting in front of the screen to limit motor activity, inhibits the development of imagination, the child finally gets used to the passive behavior. At school age the constant television viewing decrease communicative abilities of children.
We single out the negative aspects of the problem: 1. TV is bad for eyesight 2. Children begin to speak later, their speech is poor and primitive 3. Reduction performance, creative activity, loss of sense of reality 4. The emergence of children aggression.
Despite all the negative side, you can single out the positive side of television. 1. In the cartoon you can see patterns of behavior in society 2. There are various development programs 3. Thanks cartoons children acquire useful habits 4. Child likes cartoons, why not give pleasure. Thus, the correct use of television to help parents not only to restrict children from the harm that it may cause, but also help to develop some personality traits of the child.
Last visit to the museum
If I were asked what the museum, I would say that this is the place where you can meet with the past. The museum keeps something that was long before our appearance, what remained of the old days and today has great historical and cultural value. Therefore, before you tour the museum, a sense of the upcoming meeting with something unusual and special are raised
Museums are different. Historical Museum preserves the memory of important historical events that influenced the course of world history and whereby the world has become such as it is. Ethnographic museum saves the memory of the traditions and ceremonies of different nations. He keeps the monuments that speak about the unique singularities and differences between one nation from another: national costume, lifestyle, cuisine, beliefs and folklore. Visual arts works were kept in the art museum made by master of the past and contemporary.
In our city, there is a museum. The exhibition was devoted to the Second World War. It presented a letter of soldiers, guns and even had a pierced German helmet. Above all, I remember the photos from the battlefields of our troops, the written reports. A real ammunition, such as missiles, fill with frightening. It is in the museum, we can plunge into the era of the past and feel the mood of past years. Therefore the visit museums need to foster the moral, spiritual, patriotic parties of every person. Description of the picture
VI Surikov painted "Boyarynya Morozova in 1887, he painted it recalling his childhood spent in Siberia, its extreme cold. The whole picture is imbued with feelings of the characters, the author reveals of their characters with startling accuracy. In the foreground we see a woman in the Russian national costume of the XVII century, reclining on a sledge. Her posture and finger pointing at the sky, symbolizes steadfastness before the impending threat, she tries to get up, to overcome oppression of the persecutors of her thoughts. She cries out to God, that he help her in the struggle for justice. Her tense face shows the weight of her situation. This is Feodosia Morozova. Other details of the picture: winter, snow, cold - even more exacerbated state heroine. The crowd surrounding the sled, we see people of different classes and social statuses. Someone sympathy her for others - jeer. The sense of nature was seen and expressed wonderfully in the painting: the wet winter day, a deep imprint on the runners in the loose snow, gnarled from the cold toes barefoot fool, the steam from the breath. Surikov Very strong and true depicted sense of movement: it seems that you hear the creaking of runners from the outgoing sledge, in which rebel being taken in for questioning, the whistle of a boy running behind the sledge. This picture shows how sometimes people are loyal to their faith. For personal tragedy boyar Morozov artist managed to see the historical movement of the people against existing social order based on church.
Уважаемые коллеги! Предлагаем вам разработку программного обеспечения под ключ.
Опытные программисты сделают для вас мобильное приложение, нейронную сеть, систему искусственного интеллекта, SaaS-сервис, производственную систему, внедрят или разработают ERP/CRM, запустят стартап.
Сферы - промышленность, ритейл, производственные компании, стартапы, финансы и другие направления.
Языки программирования: Java, PHP, Ruby, C++, .NET, Python, Go, Kotlin, Swift, React Native, Flutter и многие другие.
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