Social networks are widespread throughout the world at the present time

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Содержание работы

Зиннуров Руслан

Работа № 1 по курсу «Английский язык»

Lesson № 15

(P. 428-431)

I. Text

to puzzle ['pʌzl] - приводить в затруднение, ставить в тупик, озадачивать

to force [fɔːs] - заставлять, принуждать; to force on – навязывать

gradually ['grædjuəlɪ] – исподволь, мало-помалу, постепенно, понемногу

to push [puʃ] – здесь: продвигать, проталкивать; to push one's way — протискиваться, прокладывать себе путь

owing ['əuɪŋ] – должный, причитающийся

II. Ex. 1

4. According to the commanders, government forces used the air base as a staging post for attacks on nearby areas last week.

5. The latest crisis comes at a time when Burma is gradually moving towards democracy with the constant support of the international community.

8-9. The majority of Arab countries suffer from dictatorships and some inhabitants of these countries naturally want to become free.

13-14. Social networks are widespread throughout the world at the present time.

Ex. 2

1. In the book of Daniel, there are plenty of ways in which the Bible can show you that there are some bad things that come out of obedience and some good things that come out of disobedience.

2. Pronunciation concerns to the ability to use the correct stress, rhythm and intonation of a word in a spoken language.

3. The Bible is one of the most published books in the world and it still exerts strong influence on the development of Western culture and enlightens many people's lives.

4. The people of Israel saw that King Solomon had wisdom from God to make the right and wise decision.

5. On August 28 in 1963 during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, Martin Luther King delivered a seventeen minute public speech «I Have a Dream» in which he called for racial equality and an end to discrimination.

6. The number of students is one of the habitual for society and well-understood signs of an educational institution`s value.

7. In the Gospel of Mark, the trial of Jesus takes place in Pilate's court – praetorium before Pontius Pilate, preceded by the Sanhedrin preliminary hearing.

8. In his Gospel Mark translates Jewish terminology, mentions the geography of Israel and gives a Latin explanation for some Greek words.

9. Buddha took thought about the illusoriness of the world and the frailty of all that was happening.

10. The Bible tells us exactly what happens after death and reveals the fate of the billions of people who have never known God and His Way of life, the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

11. The «historical Jesus» that is offered in universities and mass media gives us the record of men, while the Bible offers God's record of His Son.

12. The real difference between human beings and angels is that Jesus Christ died instead of us and for our sake, as a Man, who took the penalty for our sins and suffered the judgment that all mankind have deserved.

Ex. 3

1. change

2. die

3. difficult

4. century

5. rule

6. correct

7. obey

8. different

9. type

10. education

11. widespread

12. almost

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