Staffing defined, страница 2

The human resource inventory provides information about the organization's present personnel. After the inventory is completed, an organization will have cataloged the skills, abilities, interests, and qualifications of the present workforce. Management will know who occupies each position, his or her qualifications, length of service, and responsibilities.

This human resource audit (or personnel inventory) will allow the managers to match the organization's present personnel strengths and weaknesses against future requirements. The performance of each individual in the organization should be appraised. This will provide information on individual potential for increased responsibilities and for long-range training needs.

v Comparison of Forecast and Inventory

Comparison of forecast and inventory is the process of determining if anyone in the organization is qualified to fill the projected job openings. At this time, the decision is made to train present employees or to recruit outside the organization.

In making the comparison the following questions would be asked:

1. Do present employees possess the necessary prerequisites? If so, they should be considered.

2. If they do not possess the skills, can the skills be provided through training?

3. If the existing employees do not have the skills, where can persons with these skills be located outside the company?

v Role of the Individual Manager

Regardless of whether the organization does or does not have the services: of human resource planners, individual managers need to be actively involved with the human resource planning process. In any organization, the departmental managers should be the most knowledgeable management persons concerning their personnel needs. A manager can determine the need for additional or replacement personnel by two means:

1. Analyzing his or her workforce to determine who will be promoted, transferred, terminated, or leaving voluntarily through retirement or resignation.

2. Analyzing what new positions are justifiable through increaseff workload, new responsibilities, or changing technology.

If the analysis shows that there is a need for a new position, the manageo should negotiate the approval of the position with her or his superior manager. If the rationale is sound, the position may be approved.

At this point, a job opening exists. Human resource planning (always influenced by affirmative action commitments) initiates the recruitment step to locate personnel.


In recruitment the organization is attempting to identify and attract candidates to meet the requirements of anticipated or actual position vacancies. Two devices used during this phase are the job description and job specification, both of which are developed as a result of job analysis. Before a pool of applicants is created, it is necessary to determine the job scope, function, duties, responsibilities, and relationships. The job description provides a manager with the job demands. Notice the function, scope, and responsibilities of the customer service representative. The job specification identifies the education, experience, training, and behavioral abilities the person must have to perform in the job. Once armed with these tools, the manager can make contact with potential sources of applicants.

v Sources of Applicants

There are two sources of applicants—internal and external. Internal sources are the employees of the organization. A number of organizations have policies of promoting from within. This has a positive impact on the organizational members and the internal working environment. The орportunity for advancement has three distinct benefits: It can reduce turnover, provide incentive to learn jobs quickly, and assist in making the individual a functioning member of the organization faster because the person already knows the policies and expectations of the company.