Guidelines for the preparation of the final report

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Annex 8



The Project Co-Directors are requested to jointly prepare a detailed Final Report of the Project and a Summary Report of this Final Report in accordance with the guidelines given below. The Final Report should not exceed 50 pages (A4).


This report should give an extensive overview of the project objectives, its R&D activities and results and, most importantly, the actual and expected implementation of the results.  The format of the Report should be A4.  The following scheme is suggested (a recommended number of pages per chapter is given).

a.   Introduction  (1-2 pages)

This chapter contains some background information on the specific situation in the country that led to proposing this SfP Project. Special attention should be given to the economic and industrial benefits that are expected as a result of this Project as stated in the Criteria for Success Table, including its contribution to strengthening the national scientific/technological infrastructure.  This information should be quantified, where possible.

b.   Scope and Objectives of the Project     (1-3 pages)

This chapter contains a summary of the objectives to be achieved within the lifetime of the Project.

-  scientific goals

-  participation by other national institutions/industries

-  training

-  enhancement of scientific infrastructure

-  international co-operation

-  etc.

c.   Realization of the Project   (1-3 pages)

An overview of the organisation of the Project, the management structure, and the participating institutions and industries. If the Project is composed of several sub-projects, these items should be treated for each sub-project.

d.   Scientific Results    (up to 40 pages)

The scientific results are reported here in the nature of an article in a scientific periodical or as a presentation at a scientific conference. As a consequence, this reporting is relatively detailed and may be organised per sub-project. Special attention should be given to the need for further R&D activities after conclusion of the Project.

e.   Implementation of Results   (2-4 pages)

This chapter gives a status of the implementation of the results at the end of the Project and of the expectations for the immediate and longer term future.  Special attention should be paid to the economic and industrial benefits (short and long term) for the country.  Wherever possible, a cost-benefit analysis, based on the R&D findings, should be included (in EUR). Obviously, this section should be organised in line with the Criteria for Success Table.

f.    Conclusion   (1-2 pages)

Here, the overall conclusions of the SfP experience are given. The tangible consequences of NATO's funding in EUR of the Project for the research team, the participating institutions and, if appropriate, the nation, should be outlined.

Annex 8

g.   Annexes

Annex 1:  List of collaborators (internal and external); enumerate under separate headings the collaborators who obtained an advanced degree (MSc, PhD) through co-operation with the Project.

Annex 2:  List of publications resulting from the Project. List of presentations given to the scientific community during major conferences, as well as to the broader society via the press (attach photocopies of articles) and other media.


a.   The language used is English.

b.  The Report is to be submitted for review by the Programme Director before printing.

c.  Printing:

-     to be done locally; the initiative is left to the Project Co-Directors;

-     the required format is A4, printed recto-verso;

-     the design of the front page is left to the initiative of the Project Co-Director; however, at the bottom of the front page should figure the following text: "Research sponsored by the NATO Science for Peace Programme";

-     25 copies of the report are to be sent to the SfP Programme Office; the total number of copies to be printed is to be decided by the Project Co-Directors, taking into account the collaborators, consultants, national and local authorities, industrial partners, etc.;

-     photos should be included in the report wherever appropriate.

d.   Reasonable costs of printing, to a maximum of 1,250 EUR can be charged to NATO’s Project funds.

e.   In order to allow a broader distribution and an easier access to the results of SfP projects, the Project Co-Directors are encouraged to arrange for an abridged version of this Report in the local language (10-15 pages).  In this case, the printing costs can also be charged to NATO’s Project funds (included in the  1,250 EUR mentioned above).


The Project Co-Directors are requested to provide a 1 to 2-page Summary of the Final Report, which will be included in the overall SfP Programme report. This summary should especially stress the objectives, results and implementation of results. The inclusion of one or two photos is encouraged.

§  The language used is English.

§  Final editing and printing of this Summary Report will be done by the NATO/SfP Programme Office.

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