Особенности учебного процесса в разных странах, Академическая мобильность, страница 5

Some of mobile students are called  free-movers. They travel entirely on their own initiative using special-purpose catalogues which contains information about main international organizations promoting cooperation in the sphere of higher education, for example: The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC), Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE), Russian Council of academic mobility (ROSAM), Regional Centre for International Cooperation of the West Siberian Universities (RCIC), Novosibirsk International Centre for Education (NICE), etc. Free-movers may apply any university satisfying their educational needs.

One of the key aims of academic mobility is to place an emphasis on studies measured by results and to make an assessment of what students actually know and what they don't.

Give a detailed description of your learning experience. (опыт обучения)

Did you go to a state or private school?

Did you study at lyceum or gymnasium?

Do you think private schools are better than state schools?

Is your secondary education of high quality?

Were you given systematic intellectual, moral, and social instruction at your school?

Why is it necessary to study systematically?

What subjects do you think should be studied at school?

Does your school provide a fail-safe preparation for university entrance?

Was there any discrepancy between the curriculum at your school and the Unified State Examination (USE) requirements?

Did you have to turn to expensive private tutors to upgrade your knowledge to the level required by the test or exam? (to turn to прибегатькпомощи, обращатьсязапомощью)

Did you participate in any academic contests?

Do you believe that students’ grasp of the various subjects can be verified by the Unified State Examination?

Do you support this innovation in education?

Did you have a chance to show your abilities when sitting the Unified State Exam?

Were rehearsal exams conducted at your school?

Were you offered a trial run of the exam?

What subjects (Russian language, mathematics, foreign languages, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, literature, history, basics of social sciences, computing science) did you choose for the USE?

Did your choice depend on the requirements of Siberian State University of Railway Engineering?

What results did you get in the USE?

Were there any subjects you were bad at?  

Is the USE the only form of graduation examinations in schools and the main form of entrance examinations in Russian universities?

Why do several technical universities in Moscow accept talented students on the basis of their participation in various all-Russian contests in mathematics, physics or other technical subjects?

Is the elimination of subjective factors in students’ evaluations the obvious advantage of the USE?

What are the drawbacks of the USE?

Does the USE devalue students’ personal qualities and their participation in various academic contests?

Many students are not ready to accept such a radical change in the education system, are they?

Does every talented student have a chance to show his abilities when sitting the Unified State Exam?

Are all soon-to-be graduates able to take part in various academic contests due to the distance or other personal factors?

Should there be different schools for bright and less intelligent children?

Why did you intend to apply to our University?

Are you going to prolonger your education with two and half years of advanced study in English?

The Structure of Public Education in Russia


1.  Reading the text for the first time skim it through fairly quickly to understand the topic and the main points.

2.  Reading the text for the second time look through it very carefully. Do read through the questions first to see what kind of information you need to look for. When you have finished reading, see how much you can recall.

3.  Try to work out the meanings of any words you don’t know from the context. Try to find Russian equivalents to the underlined word combinations.