Особенности учебного процесса в разных странах, Академическая мобильность, страница 11

9.  How many faculties are there at the university? What are they? Name them.

10.  What faculty are you in?

11.  What subjects are studied at our university in the first year?

12.  How many lectures a day do you usually have?

13.  When does your first lecture begin? When is it over?

14.  What must students do at the lectures? What shouldn’t they do at the lectures?

15.  Do you skip (miss deliberately) lectures?

16.  Do you take exams at the end of the term? How many exams will you take in winter?

17.  Are students’ meetings often held?

18.  What questions are discussed at these meetings?

19.  Before exam it’s a good idea to revise for it in order to pass it (do well in exam). Do you get marks/credits/points for your exams?

20.  Are you doing well at the university?

21.  Do you get a grant? How much do you get?

22.  Are you doing well in Fundamentals of Information Science and Computer Engineering?

23.  When will your first term be over? How many exams will you take?

24.  What subjects are you to take exams in? What subjects needn’t you take exams in?

25.  What exams are you afraid most of all?

26.  Have you written any term-paper yet? When will you write it?

27.  Do you want to graduate from the university with honours?

28.  When will you graduate from the university?


Suggested Situations for Dialogues

1. The University you study at; year of foundation and its architecture, hostels.

2. The student body and the number of faculties the University has at present. The subjects taught at the faculties; terms of practical work.

3. The equipment of the University and all the facilities it offers for studies, research and recreation; cost of tuition; opportunities for getting work after graduating from the University.

4. Mention some interesting tradition of the University you study at.

5. You can’t help feeling excited as you are going to take an examination in … .

6. You are going to cut a lecture and slip away to the cinema. Unfortunately you run into the Dean himself.


1. Find out some material about Oxford and Cambridge Universities. Make a short report (5 minutes).

2. Describe the hostel you live in, the room you share with other room-mates; if you are a day student describe the room you live in.

Speak on the following topics:

“A student’s working day’, “How I took my entrance examinations”, “Requirements for the entrance examinations”.

Words and expressions to be used

Final examinations выпускные экзамены

Selective exam конкурсный экзамен

To sit for the exam (to read up a subject) готовиться к экзамену

Educational institution учебное заведение

Entrance requirements department приемная комиссия

Entrance requirements требования на вступительных экзаменах

Standards of admission правила приема

To submit an application for admission подать заявление о приеме

To launch an examination scheme вывесить расписание экзаменов

To conduct examinations проводить экзамены

Examination paper экзаменационный билет

Essay subject тема сочинения

Composition, essay (composition a fixed topic, free composition) сочинение

To solve a problem in maths, physics решить задачу по математике, физике

To show a good (poor) knowledge of something обнаружить хорошие (плохие) знания

To gain entrance поступить

Teaching staff педагогический состав

To attend classes посещать занятия

Extra-curricular activities внеаудиторная работа


I.  Correct the mis-collocations in these sentences.

1. I can’t come out. I’m studying. I’m passing an examination tomorrow.

2. Congratulations! I hear you succeeded your examination!

3. You can study a lot of different careers at this university.

4. I got some good notes in my continuous assessment this term.

5. She’s a professor in a primary school.

6. He gave an interesting 45-minute conference on Goethe.

7. She got a degree in personnel management from a private college.