determination of the surface layer physical and chemical state of these objects was carried out by electron Auger spectroscopy (chemical composition), X-ray analysis (phase composition and residual stresses), scanning electron microscopy (surface topography), exo-electron emission and optical metallography. Besides, such characteristics as the surface roughness (Ra) and microhardness (Hm) were also determined. The electron beam treatment was performed with the use of «GESA-1» accelerator [3] at the rotation of targets under the beam. The irradiation conditions were as follows [3]: accelerating voltage of 100–120 kV, pulse duration of 15–20 ms, electron beam energy density of 20–24 J/cm2, beam cross-section area of 40–55 cm2 and pulse number of 5. After irradiation the part of targets was annealed under vacuum (10–3 Pa) for 6 hours at the following temperatures: EP866sh — 670 C and EP718ID — 6900 C (optimal regimes of irradiation and annealing). Initial, irradiated and annealed samples and blades were tested for the salt corrosion resistance at the presence of Cl- ions under the thermal cycling condition from the operating temperature to the room temperature (cooling in sea water). Specimens and blades fractured or damaged during the tests were studied by electron Auger spectroscopy, X-ray analysis, optical and electron fractographic methods. Results and discussion Some salt corrosion test results of patterns and compressor blades are given in Table 1 and Figures 1, 2. The test results show that the corrosion resistance of samples, subjected to electron beam irradiation with the post-process vacuum annealing at the operating conditions, could be increased by 500 %. The study results of samples and blades after irradiation, heat treatment and tests (Tables 2, 3 and Figures 3–6) can be summarized as follows: TABLE 1. Corrosion test results of EP866sh and EP718ID steel specimens: number of cycles — 150; heating up to 6000 C (6500 C); cooling in seawater — 250 С. |
Steel |
Irradiating regime |
Annealing regime |
Specific mass gain |
W, J/cm2 |
N, pulses |
T, 0C |
τ, hours |
±0,03 mg/mm2 |
EP866sh |
— |
— |
— |
— |
1.98 |
EP866sh |
20–22 |
5 |
670 |
6 |
0.33 |
EP866sh |
20–22 |
5 |
— |
— |
2.11 |
EP866sh |
26-28 |
5 |
670 |
6 |
1.39 |
EP718ID |
— |
— |
— |
— |
1.89 |
EP718ID |
22–24 |
5 |
— |
— |
2.06 |
EP718ID |
22–24 |
5 |
690 |
6 |
0.41 |
EP718ID |
34–36 |
5 |
690 |
6 |
1.56 |
FIGURE 1. Photograph of EP866sh steel specimens before and after corrosion tests under the thermo cycling conditions (T=600 C, sea water at 20 C, 150 cycles) from top to bottom: the initial sample; the initial state after tests; the irradiated sample (w=20–22 J/cm2, n=5 pulses); the irradiated sample after tests |
FIGURE 2. Photograph of EP866sh steel specimens before and after corrosion tests under the thermocycling conditions (T=600 C, sea water at 20 C, 20 cycles) from top to bottom: the sample after irradiation with mask (w=20–22 J/cm2, n=5 pulses); the sample after irradiation with mask (w=20-22 J/cm2, n=5 pulses) and tests |
TABLE 2. The effect of irradiation on phase composition, residual stresses, texture, and lattice parameter of the surface layer material of EP866sh steel blades and specimens (Cukα-radiation) |
Irradiating regime |
Phase compositiontexture |
Residual stresses σ, MPa |
Lattice parameter, a, nm±0.0003 |
w, J/cm2 |
n, pulses |
— |
— |
a+Cr23C6, no |
–520±45 |
0.2911 |
20–22 |
1 |
a+Cr23C6, no |
+270±90 |
0.2925 |
34–36 |
5 |
a+γ+Cr23C6, (200) |
+1080±140 |
0.2933 |
18–20 |
3 |
a+Cr23C6, (310) |
+310±90 |
0.2927 |
TABLE 3. The effect of irradiation and heat treatment (670 C, 6 hours, vacuum) on phase composition, residual stresses, texture, and lattice parameter of the surface layer material of EP866sh steel blades and specimens (Cukα–radiation) |
Irradiating regime |
Phase compositiontexture |
Residual stressesσ, MPa |
Lattice parameter, a, nm±0.0003 |
w, J/cm2 |
n, pulses |
— |
— |
a+Cr23C6, no |
–220±15 |
0.2911 |
20–22 |
1 |
a+ Cr23C6, no |
–70±10 |
0.2901 |
34–36 |
5 |
a+Cr23C6, no |
+570±110 |
0.2929 |
18–20 |
3 |
a+ Cr23C6, no |
–50±20 |
0.2892 |
The decrease of surface roughness from 0.20–0.22 µm up to 0.06–0.10 µm as a result of electron beam treatment of EP866sh and EP718ID steels leads to a decrease of effective area of interaction between aggressive elements of sea water and components of the surface layer; 2. formation of low residual compressive stresses distributed uniformity after heat treatment of irradiated samples and blades ensures improvement of the plasticity characteristics and the crack creation resistance under the thermo cycling conditions; 3. the increase of chromium concentration in the surface layer of blades due to redistribution of elements on the stage of high-speed solidification |
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