Выполнение письменных контрольных заданий № 1-7 и работа текстом "Leaps of faith"

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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования





Кафедра __________________________________________________________________

Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере



Письменное контрольное задание

для студентов дистанционного обучения

Студент: Карамова Анна Валерьевна

Группа: 13444

Дата: 12.01.2014г.

Преподаватель: Шпак Н.О.

Новосибирск 2014г.


проверки письменного контрольного задания

ФИО обучающегося ______________________

Учебная группа ____________

Учебная дисциплина __________________________

Показатели оценки

Критерии оценки

Полностью соответствует требованиям

Частично соответствует требованиям

Не соответствует требованиям


Оформление титульного листа

Оформление текста работы

Соответствие требуемому объему

Соответствие теме, вопросам задания

Полнота выполнения задания (заданий)

Правильность использования основных терминов и понятий


ФИО преподавателя ____________

Дата проверки _____________

1. Choose the correct word from a, b or c. (20 баллов)

1 Companies have to find new ways to attract and keep talented workers.

a.avoid                 b. attract      c. achieve

2 Staff were motivated by the chance of promotion to senior positions.

a. promotion          b. hierarchy c. achievement

3 The manager's job is to provide assistance to subordinates to do their job effectively.

a. essential knowledge     b. security    c. assistance

4 Abraham Maslow classified human needs into five categories.

a. needs       b. wishes     c. hopes

5 There are four major management leadership styles.

a. categories b. ways                  c. styles

6 They offer good service at a reasonable rate.

a. take                        b. offer    c. bring

7 I purchase products for my company.

a. purchase                       b. give        c. sell

8 We create new products every season.

a. imagine                 b. create   c. give up

9 When you invest a company it is a good idea to get financial advice.

a. invest                             b. open      c. found

10 Does Jill still run the IT department?

a) run                                b) close      c) use

2. Put down the missing words. (10 баллов)

1 Theory X and Theory Y were developed by Douglas McGregor.

2 Abraham Maslow classified hierarchy of needs.

3 Good employers should treat the subordinates with respect.

4.Managers cannot simply substitute Theory Y for Theory X.

5 According to Frederick Herzberg good labour relations are merely “satisfiers”.

3. Combine words from A and B to make phrases. Use the phrases to complete the sentences below. (10 баллов)

1. The person who run the business usually has the title of CEO.

2. Companies sometimes enter into contractual agreements when the economic situation is bad.

3. More and more people wanted to buy the new snack food. The company has to increase production to achieve goals.

4. When Patrick moved away from home to start work, he had to reward approval.

5. Running your own business is hard work, but you can put into effect to.

4.Answer the questions about motivation. (10 баллов)

1 What motivates you and makes you study or work?

Working on something that is interesting and exciting motivates me and makes me study or work.

2 What are the five human needs in Maslow's theory?

There are five human needs in Maslow's theory: physiological, security needs, social, prestigious and spiritual.

3 What do employers do according to Theory X?

In this theory, a hierarchical structure is needed with narrow span of control at each and every level.

4 What do employers do according to Theory Y?

Theory Y manager will try to eliminate the obstacles to fully realize their employees.

5 What can be “motivators” according to Frederick Herzberg’s theory?

This “motivators” can be achievement, recognition of merit, responsibility, opportunities for career growth.

5. Put the verb into the Passive form. (20 баллов)

1 This theory could have been argued (could/argue) by some economists.

2 The hierarchy of needs is classified (classify) by Abraham Maslow.

3 According to Maslow the human needs are divided (divide) into five different categories.

4 Employees should be involved (should/involve) in decision-making process.

5 Next month the staff  is offered (offer ) good salaries.

6The employees can be demotivated (can/demotivate) by different factors.

7 Talented workers are rewarded (reward) every year in our company.

8 How should our staff be stimulated ?( should/stimulate)

9 Management styles can be influenced (can/influence) by cultural factors.

10 The work might has been done (may/do) more efficiently in a well-equipped office.

6. Rewrite the sentences below using the correct form of the passive.    (10 баллов)

1. We manufacture the goods in Korea.

The goods are manufactured by us in Korea.

2. The sales team sold 4, 000 units last month.

4, 000 units was sold by the sales team last month.

3. The CEO will open the new factory next week.

The new factory will be opened by the CEO next week.

4. The company these products yesterday.

These products are bought by the company yesterday.

5. The company raised salaries by 4 per cent last year.

Salaries were raised by the company by 4 per cent last year.

7. Read the text. Mark if the statements below are true or false. (20 баллов)

Leaps of faith

At 3M, innovation has been built into the company culture

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