development the algorithm of automatic searching man's faces defined points by photo
Dmitriy L. Semenov The Scientific head - Professor Sergey I. Malafeev
Department of Information Technologies Vladimir State University Gorky st. 87, Vladimir, 600000, RUSSIA Tel: +7(4922) 279992, E-mail:
Abstract – Results of development the algorithms of automatic searching human’s faces defined points on a photograph are considered. suggested algorithms differ the increased speed and accuracy.
The automatic identification of the person on a photograph is a urgent task in various areas. The basic reasons of the raised attention to this task are the presence of a wide circle of technical, economic and social systems, in which the automatic identification of the man’s person determines efficiency and safety of their functioning. Such identification is required in criminalistics, in systems of bank and information safety etc. The Special meaning has the control of a condition of the operator in man-machine systems. The developed methods can be applied to elimination of so-called "human factor", i.e. for tracking a physical and emotional condition of the operator.
In clause the algorithms of the automated search defined points of the man’s person in a photo for procedure of identification are considered. The existing similar algorithms characterize by low efficiency, since allow to find the limited quantity of collected points at the large time of processing of an initial photo. The purpose of development of algorithm is the increase of its speed and accuracy.
Generally, it is supposed, that on the image except for the man’s face, there are also extraneous objects (background). For effective job of algorithm, it is necessary to remove them. In algorithm it is carried out with using the Sobel operator [1]. The convolution of the initial image with the masks is applied for this purpose
The received
image with the selected area of the person is binarized, i.e. the color image
will be transformed in monochrome. The most effective method of global
binarization, both on quality of processing, and on time is the Ots method [2].
The method uses histogram of distribution of meanings of pixel's brightness of
the raster image. Histogram constructs on meanings of ,
где N – total amount
of pixels on the image; ni – amount of pixels with brightness
level i. The range of brightness is divided into two classes with using
of an optimum binarization threshold k, calculated according to
discriminant criterion of the maximal interclass (object - background) dispersion
of the brightness levels. To each class there corresponds relative frequencies
k represents an integer from 0 up to L=255. and
- average levels for each
of two classes of the image. Further the maximal meaning of the division's
quality estimation of the image on two parts is calculated:
- interclass dispersion
- total
image dispersion.
For the received monochrome image the minima of function are searched:
where - original
- coordinates of area of
the image, on which there is a projection. The analysis of a vertical
integrated projection (4) of the faces central parts allows to allocate horizontal
strips of the monochrome image of width 4-5 diameters of a pupil, to which
there correspond the minimal meanings of function V(x).
To the received
fragments of the image the Hough transformation 3 is applied, which allows to find on the
monochrome image flat curves given parametrically. For this purpose consider
curves family on planes given by the parametrical equation F(a1, a2,…, an,x,y)
= 0, where F – some function;
parameters of curves family; x, y – coordinates on a plane. The
parameters of the curves family form phase space, which each point corresponds
to some curve. In view of step-type behavior of the information's
representation in the computer and entrance data (image), it is required to
translate continuous phase space in discrete. For this purpose the grid,
splitted phase space on cells is entered, each of which corresponds to a set of
curves with close meanings of parameters. Each cell of phase space can put in
conformity number indicating amount of points on the image belonging even by
one of a curve, appropriate to the given cell. The analysis of counters of
cells allows to find on the image curves, on which the greatest amount of
points lays.
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