estimation vector is
produced by observer (7),(8), vector
is constant coefficients vector, and function
is exponentially fading.
Theorem proving
Let nullity vector is defined as
. (11)
Subject to (1, 7-11), differentiated nullity vector looks like:
matrix G is defined as hurwitz, vector at
3.2 Synthesis of control law.
We have a purpose to stabilize the plant by compensation of external disturbance.
To make this, let’s choose the control law in a following way:
, (13)
where vector is
adjustable parameters vector, which adjusting algorithm will be defined
further, vector
is produced by
observer (7),(8). Coefficient
and matrix
be defined further. Vector k is choosing in such way, that matrix
will be stable.
Now we must define adjusting algorithm , conditions for choosing
and matrix
for synthesis necessary
control signal, which will provide fulfillment of condition
The functional Lyapunov-Krasovsky for these conditions can be presented in such form:
, (14)
where - is some symmetrical
positive defined matrix (it will be defined further),
is some positive
from this functional along trajectory of the plant (1), taking into account
(10) and (14), (vector is
neglected as tending to zero) looks like:
For system (1),(2) asymptotic stability, the fulfillment of following condition is necessary:
, (16)
where Q is some symmetrical positive defined matrix.
To simplify a functional derivative expression, let’s use known estimation.
, (17)
matrix D can be parameterized as , expression (17) can be transformed:
where - constant coefficient.
We can find a following expression for functional derivative putting into derivative expression (15) obtained estimation (17),(18), and control signal u (13):
, (19)
where I is identity matrix suitable dimension.
Let’s choose adjusting algorithm in following way:
. (20)
So we can find out such expression:
To comply the target conditions, we have to complete this inequation:
A condition
has to be fulfilled, at
the same time matrix P must be found from Lyapunov equation:
. (23)
Thus, we’ve got all conditions for all needed parameters of control law, which are necessary for plant stabilization.
4. System example
An example of control system simulation with all mentioned hypotheses is given below
A plant
is given by an equation
Disturbance will be defined as sustained vibrations,.
It represents primitive integral of differential equation with initial conditions
, i.e. it can be
considered as output of linear generator:
Pair (G,l) must be fully controlled and matrix G must be hurwitz. So, (G,l) can be presented as
Matrix N has to satisfy the condition (9), therefore (b=l)
we will choose is as .
Value of coefficienthas no matter for external disturbance compensation, but it exerts a
great influence on the transient performance. As we have not to achieve defined
quality index in this example, we can put any value of this coefficient. Let
For this matrix D, coefficient 1.26. Value of coefficient
has to satisfy condition (25), it is important to mark, that it
also has influence on transient performance.
For this example, let and
The results of such system modeling in simulink environment with initial data mentioned previously are given below. Transient performance for first component of vector x looks like:
After a time, the control signal u(t) begins to reproduce disturbance f , but with opposite sign. Vector x tends to zero. It looks like:
5. Conclusion
we have formed an adaptive control system allowing to stabilize a plant with
delay under external disturbance. At that, we have measured only state vector.
We’ve used inner model method [1], extended for plants with time-delay. At the
same time, all indeterminacy of disturbance is taking to indeterminacy of vector
. It’s noteworthy that control algorithm doesn’t depend on time of
[1]. Nikiforov V.O. «External determinant disturbance observers» Automatics and Telemechanics, 2004 #10 p.
13-24. (in Russian)
[2]. Miroshnik I.V., Nikiforov V.O., Fradkov A.L. “Nonlinear and adaptive control of complex dynamical systems”, St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2000 (in Russian)
[3]. Kolmanovsky V.B., Nosov V.R. “Stability and periodical states of conrol systems with delay”, St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1981 (in Russian)
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