WSockets version 1.20 - Delphi 2.0 WinSocket Classes, a short reference.
Some helper types and classes:
TSocketState = (ssNotStarted, ssClosed, ssConnected, ssListening, ssOpen);
TOnError = procedure (Sender: TObject; Error: integer; Msg: string) of object;
TOnData = procedure (Sender: TObject; Socket: TSocket) of object;
TOnAccept = procedure (Sender: TObject; Socket: TSocket) of object;
TOnConnect = procedure (Sender: TObject; Socket: TSocket) of object;
TOnClose = procedure (Sender: TObject; Socket: TSocket) of object;
TClientList = class (TObject)
function IndexOf(Socket: TSocket): integer;
property Sockets[Index: integer]: TSocket; default;
property Count: integer;
Generic properties, methods and events available from all classes:
Version: string;
The version of the Windows Sockets specification that DLL is using.
Description: string;
A description of the Windows Sockets implementation, including vendor identification.
SystemStatus: string;
Windows Sockets DLL relevant status or configuration information.
MaxSockets: integer;
The maximum number of sockets which a single process can potentially open.
MaxUDPSize: integer;
The size in bytes of the largest UDP datagram that can be sent or received by the application.
LocalSocket: TSocket;
The local communication end point (TTCPServer is listening on this socket).
SocketState: TSocketState;
The state of the LocalSocket:
· ssNotStarted = Winsock.dll not started.
· ssClosed = Not opened or connected.
· ssConnected = TTCPClient connected.
· ssListening = TTCPServer or TUDPServer is listening.
· ssOpen = TTCPClient trying to connect or TUDPClient opened.
LastError: integer;
Last error reported from the Windows Socket DLL (a value of zero indicates no error).
LocalHostAddress: string;
The local host address in the form "nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn".
LocalHostName: string;
The local host name assigned to this host.
Create (AOwner: TComponent); override;
The class constructor.
GetSockAddrIn (Host, Port: string; var SockAddrIn: TSockAddrIn): boolean;
Constructs a valid Socket Address Internet Style for a given Host and Port.
GetAnySockAddrIn (Port: string; var SockAddrIn: TSockAddrIn): boolean;
Constructs a valid Socket Address Internet Style for a given Port and any Host.
GetBroadcastSockAddrIn (Port: string; var SockAddrIn: TSockAddrIn): boolean;
Constructs a valid Socket Address Internet Style for a given Port with a broadcast address.
SockAddrInToName (SockAddrIn: TSockAddrIn): string;
Returns the Host Name of a valid Socket Address Internet Style.
SockAddrInToAddress (SockAddrIn: TSockAddrIn): string;
Returns the Host Address of a valid Socket Address Internet Style.
SockAddrInToPort (SockAddrIn: TSockAddrIn): string;
Returns the Port of a valid Socket Address Internet Style.
SocketToName (Socket: TSocket): string;
Returns the Host Name of a valid Socket.
SocketToAddress (Socket: TSocket): string;
Returns the Host Address of a valid Socket.
SocketToPort (Socket: TSocket): string;
Returns the Port of a valid Socket.
PeerToName (Socket: TSocket): string;
Returns the Peer Host Name of a valid Socket.
PeerToAddress (Socket: TSocket): string;
Returns the Peer Host Address of a valid Socket.
PeerToPort (Socket: TSocket): string;
Returns the Peer Port of a valid Socket.
OnError: TOnError (Sender: TObject; Error: integer; Msg: string);
Signals an error where Error is the error code and Msg is the error description.
Handle: HWND;
The Window Handle, may be used in Windows API function calls that requires a handle.
PeerAddress: string;
The IP-address of the peer partner.
PeerPort: string;
The port used by the peer partner.
Host: string;
Host name or address to connect to.
Port: string;
The port name or number to connect to.
Try to open a connection to Host on Port.
Close a open connection.
Peek: string;
Peek the incoming data buffer.
Write (Data: string);
Write data to connected partner.
Read: string;
Read data from connected partner.
WriteBuffer (Buffer: Pointer; Size: integer): integer;
Write a data buffer to connected partner.
ReadBuffer (Buffer: Pointer; Size: integer): integer;
Read a data buffer from connected partner.
OnData: TOnData (Sender: TObject; Socket: TSocket);
Signals incoming data (Socket is the LocalSocket in this case).
OnConnect: TOnConnect (Sender: TObject; Socket: TSocket);
Signals an accepted connection by the server (Socket is the LocalSocket in this case).
OnClose: TOnClose (Sender: TObject; Socket: TSocket);
Signals connection closed by the server (Socket is the LocalSocket
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