The WSAAsyncSelect() function expands on the standard Unix select() function by allowing Windows to do the work of querying the sockets. A WSAAsyncSelect() method is created that includes the socket to monitor, along with a Windows message value that will be passed to the window when one of the socket events occurs (such as data being available to be read, or the socket being ready to accept written data). The format of the WSAAsyncSelect() function is as follows:
int WSAAsyncSelect(SOCKET s, HWND hWnd, unsigned int wMsg, long lEvent)
The socket to monitor is defined by the s parameter, and the parent window to receive the event message is defined by hWnd. The actual event to send is defined by the wMsg parameter. The last parameter, lEvent, defines the events to monitor for the socket. You can monitor more than one event for a socket by performing a bitwise OR of the events shown in Table 3.4.
Event |
Description |
Разъем содержит данные, которые можно прочесть |
Разъем готов записать данные |
Получены лишние данные (out-of-band data) |
Установлено новое соединение |
Завершен процесс соединения с удаленным компьютером |
Соединение закрывается |
Изменилось значение параметра Quality of Service (QOS) |
Изменилось значение QOS для группы разъемов (зарезервировано для будущего использования) |
Маршрут изменился для указанного адреса |
Изменился список локальных адресов для семейства протоколов |
An example of the WSAAsyncSelect() function would look like this:
WSAAsyncSelect(socket, hwnd, WM_SOCKET, FD_READ | FD_CLOSE);
In this example, if the socket has data available to be read, or if it detects that the remote host closed the connection, the WM_SOCKET message would be sent to the hwnd window in the wParam of the Window message. It would then be the responsibility of the hwnd window to detect and handle the WM_SOCKET message and perform the appropriate functions depending on which event was triggered. This is almost always handled in a Windows procedure (WindowProc) method for the window using case statements.
Instead of handling socket notifications using Windows messages, the WSAEventSelect() uses an event object handle. The event object handle is a self-contained method defined in the program that is called when a unique event is triggered. This technique allows you to create separate Windows methods to handle the various socket events.
For this technique to work, a unique event must first be defined using the WSACreateEvent() function. After the event is created, it must be matched to a socket using the WSAEventSelect() function:
WSASelect(SOCKET s, WSAEVENT hEvent, long lNetworkEvents)
As usual, the s parameter defines the socket to monitor, and hEvent defines the created event that will be called when the socket event occurs. Similar to the WSAAsyncSelect() function, the lNetworkEvent parameter is a bitwise combination of all the socket events to monitor. The same event definitions are used for the WSAEventSelect() function as for the WSAAsyncSelect() function. When a socket event occurs, the event method registered by the WSACreateEvent() function is executed.
Overlapped I/O
Possibly one of the greatest features of the Winsock interface is the concept of overlapped I/O. This technique allows a program to post one or more asynchronous I/O requests at a time using a special data structure. The data structure (WSAOVERLAPPED) defines multiple sockets and event objects that are matched together. The events are considered to be overlapping, in that multiple events can be called simultaneously as the sockets receive events.
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