db 64 dup (?)
sseg ENDS
cnt dw 0h
sec dw 0h
min dw 0h
hour dw 0h
flag dw 0h
ipsave_8 dw 0h
cssave_8 dw 0h
ipsave_60 dw 0h
cssave_60 dw 0h
msg db ' : : $'
dseg ENDS
main proc FAR
ASSUME cs:cseg, ds:dseg, ss:sseg
; Data segment init
mov ax, dseg
mov ds, ax
; Get int8 handler adress
mov ax,3508h
int 21h
mov ipsave_8, bx
mov ax, es
mov cssave_8, ax
; Get int60h handler adress
mov ax,3560h
int 21h
mov ipsave_60, bx
mov ax, es
mov cssave_60, ax
push ds
mov dx, offset int_8
mov ax, seg int_8
mov ds, ax
; Set out int8h handler
mov ah, 25h
mov al, 8h
int 21h
pop ds
push ds
mov dx, offset int_60
mov ax, seg int_60
mov ds, ax
; Set our int60h handler
mov ah, 25h
mov al, 60h
int 21h
pop ds
; sec check cycle
cmp flag,0
je exit
mov flag,0
; Convert to ASCII
mov ax,sec
mov bl,10
div bl
add ax,3030h
mov word ptr es:msg+7,ax
mov ax,min
div bl
add ax,3030h
mov word ptr es:msg+4,ax
mov ax,hour
div bl
add ax,3030h
mov word ptr es:msg+1,ax
; Color Display
mov ax,0B800h
mov es,ax
lea bx,msg
; Where to display
mov di,0
mov al,[bx]
cmp al,'$'
je exit
mov es:[di],al
inc di
inc bx
mov es:[di],word ptr 0F0h
inc di
jmp mn1
cmp min,2
jne time
mov ax,0h
; Working with klav
int 16h
push ds
mov dx, ipsave_8
mov ax, cssave_8
mov ds, ax
; Restore int8h native handler
mov ah, 25h
mov al, 8h
int 21h
pop ds
push ds
mov dx, ipsave_60
mov ax, cssave_60
mov ds, ax
; Exit
mov ah, 25h
mov al, 60h
int 21h
pop ds
; Exit
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
main ENDP
int_8 proc FAR
push ax
push es
mov ax, dseg
mov es,ax
; Count int8 interrupts
mov ax,word ptr es:cnt
inc ax
; If 18 interrupts -> call int60h
cmp ax,18
jne m0
int 60h
mov ax,0
mov word ptr es:cnt,ax
pop es
pop ax
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