"Valuable" calories. Do you always seem to be hungry? Many teen-agers are. Boys seem to have bigger appetites than girls, but both groups enjoy snacks during the day. Eating snacks is an excellent way to obtain the extra energy you need as long as you eat the right kind of snacks.
Snacks can be harmful when they fill you up but provide nothing but quick energy. These snacks provide "empty" calories because they supply energy and satisfy your appetite without providing the proteins, vitamins, and minerals you need. Snacks consisting of soda pop, candy, and cookies are filled with "empty" calories. They satisfy your appetite without filling your needs.
The best snacks satisfy your hunger and your needs. Nuts, ice cream, milk shakes, hamburgers, raisins, and sandwiches are some excellent snack foods. When you snack on these foods you are eating "valuable" calories, not "empty" ones.
Charting your calories. By using a calorie chart, you can see how many calories various common foods add to your diet. You can tell how well your
diet satisfies your energy needs. Notice how some "empty" calorie foods add hundreds of calories to your total intake.
Meal planning. Because you are not cooking for yourself, most of your meal planning consists in selecting valuable and appetizing foods for meals away from home and for snacks. By keeping in mind what you know about valuable calories and nutritional values, you can plan to eat foods that will supply foods you need.
You can begin your day by eating a well-balanced meal. Breakfast should include one fourth of your daily protein and calorie intake. Because you usually follow breakfast with a morning of schoolwork, you need the energy breakfast provides.
A good breakfast should consist of some fruit, some proteins, and some carbohydrates. The foods you eat to supply these needs can vary. Sometimes you might like a breakfast of meat, potatoes, juice, and milk. Other times, eggs, milk, and juice might interest you. You may find that by varying your breakfast menus you can make breakfast into one of the most interesting meals of the day.
Value of variety. Do you find that you tend to eat the same things day after day? If you do, you may be missing valuable nutrients.
Scientists have not yet found and identified all the essential nutrients. Their findings do indicate that each food has some specific values, but that no group of foods supplies all the necessary nutrients. For this reason, the more variety in your diet, the more likely it will be that you have a completely healthful diet.
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Vaccination (1 to consider) to be the most effective and low-cost method of preventing infectious diseases. The word vaccination (2 to use) first by Edward Jenner in 1796. Early forms of vaccination (3 to develop) in ancient China. Since then vaccination campaigns (4 to spread) throughout the globe. Vaccines (5 to use) now to fight a wide variety of disease threats: smallpox, measles, tetanus.
In an attempt to eliminate the risk of outbreaks of some diseases, governments and other institutions (6 to institute) already policies that (7 to require) vaccination for all people. In modern times, the first vaccine-preventable disease (8 to target) for eradication (9 to be) smallpox. The World Health Organization (10 to coordinate) the global effort to eradicate this disease. The last naturally occurring case of smallpox (11 to occur) in Somalia in 1977. The World Health Organization (12 to work) for polio eradication for fifteen years. Although the target (13 to miss), eradication is very close. The next eradication target (14 to be) measles, which (15 to decline) since the introduction of measles vaccination in 1963.
Since the late 18th century, opponents (16 to argue) that vaccines (17 not to work), that they are or may be dangerous, or that mandatory vaccinations (18 to violate) individual rights or religious principles. However if we (19 to prevent) suffering and death from infectious diseases, it (20 to outweigh) rare adverse effects of immunization
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