Семестровая контрольная работа по дисциплине "Английский язык"

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Содержание работы

1.   (?)th the encouragement and financial aid (помощь, поддержка) of Count Ferdinand Waldstein, a friend in Bonn, he was able to settle in Vienna in 1792.

2.  After you finish this book, you will have learned(t) over a thousand words.

3.  Almost all the plays are performed on stage (сцена).

4.  An insider (хорошо осведомленный человек) at Warner Bros declared: “The special effects in the new movies are the most expensive of all time in cinema history”.

5.  At the theatre you can see different plays (пьесы).

6.  Beethoven's instruction was poor until he was able to study under court organist Christian Gottlob Neefe, who drilled (обучать) him in the music of the composer Johann Sebastian

7.  Boxers always wear gloves (перчатки).

8.  But I don’t only respond (реагировать, отзываться) to one definite musical style and my interests’ range from alternative to classics.

9.  But the best tribute to Freddie was the album Made in Heaven, release (релиз, выпуск в свет) on November 6th, 1995 by the three remaining members of Queen.

10.  By the end of the month the commission will have come to some decision.

11.  Despite his grievances (обида), Beethoven continually concentrated on his music.

12.  For my person, music plays more important role in life than good pastime (приятное времяпрепровождение).

13.  He affirm (подтверждать) to the whole world his independence as a free composer, in contrast with others who were supported by rulers and often treated as servants.

14.  He donated (подарить, даровать) his collection to the city of Moscow.

15.  He is going to publish (публиковать) his new book next year.

16.  He likes to play football on a pith. (футбольное поле).

17.  He saw very beautiful woods, greens in the nature and, being very talented, reflected nature’s colours in his sketches (эскиз, набросок) which he then composed into pictures.

18.  He showed a terrible disaster (бедствие) at sea.

19.  He studied colour very seriously and is said to anticipate (ожидать, предвидеть) the art of Impressionists and abstract painters of the 20th century.

20.  He was also music mad and played records on the family’s old record player, stacking (заставлять, собирать) the singles to play constantly.

21.  He was born in Bonn, Germany, the son and grandson of courtr musician (придворный музыкант).

22.  He won’t have learned(t)  his lesson by tomorrow, if he has not yet begun to study it.

23.  His father, Bomi, was a civil servant (государственный гражданский служащий), working as a High Court cashier for the British Government.

24.  His last string quartets suggest a profound (глубокий) mood of acceptance, a triumphal peace over his sufferings.

25.  His mother is fond of poetry (поэзия).

26.  His music of this period shows great promise, and certain pieces, such as the "Pathetique" Sonata in С Minor, core shadow (предвещать) his later music.

27.  I will have learned(t) this letter by 6 o'clock this afternoon.

28.  I will have made this doll by her birthday.

29.  If she returns after July 1, I won't see her since I already will have gone to the South by the time.

30.  If the score is still 2-2 at the end of extra time, there is a penalty shoot out (удар пенальти).

31.  If the score riches 6-6 you have a extra time (дополнительное время в теннисе) to decide the set.

32.  In “Snow Storm” he reflected with the help of snow the idea of survival and even in our days it looks very prophetic (пророческий).

33.  In football you can kick (пинать) and heat it (бить головой) the ball.

34.  In most there is also a cup competitions (кубок соревнований).

35.  In my opinion, I’m Going Slightly Mad video is his masterpiece (шедевр).

36.  In our country almost all the films are dubbed (дублированные).

37.  In the back ground (на заднем плане) there are birds, beautiful churches, a lot of trees and the sky that is playing with different kinds of fairy-tale colours.

38.  In the background one can see a horse harnessed (запрягать) in a sledge.

39.  In the background one can see trees powdered with snow (запорошенные снегом) and a lot of tracks of other sledges on the snow.

40.  In the Tretyakov Gallery you can see historical paintings (исторические полотна), still-lives, etc.

41.  In this newspaper there is an arts page (страничка об искусстве).

42.  It is something, which helps me to be in a good mood, understand different things and remove from tension(напряжение).

43.  It stir up(пробуждать) my imagination and fills my mind with new ideas.

44.  It was there his friends began to call him Freddie, a name the family also adopted (принимать).

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