Написание программы, создающей класс с меню выбора инициализации и разными способами показа результата. Вариант 2, страница 3


                                   int j_Id, j_Age, j_BuyCount;

                                   printf("Enter book Id ");

                                   scanf("%d", &j_Id);

                                   printf("Enter book Age ");

                                   scanf("%d", &j_Age);

                                   printf("Enter book BuyCount ");

                                   scanf("%d", &j_BuyCount);

            book book_1(j_Id, j_Age, j_BuyCount);

//----------------- ðåçóëüòàòû

                                   int choose_result;

            printf("          How we going to see the result\n");

            printf("          1. On the screen \n");

                                   printf("          2. In the file: \n");

                    scanf("%d", &choose_result);

                    if (choose_result == 1)




                    if (choose_result == 2)


                                               file = fopen("result.txt", "w");


                fprintf(file,"* Book name *   Id   *   Age   *  BuyCount  * Prise * Reyting *\n");


                                fprintf(file,"*   book_1  *   %d   *", book_1.book_Id);

                                               fprintf(file,"   %d    *", book_1.book_Age);

                                               fprintf(file,"   %d  *", book_1.book_BuyCount);

                                               fprintf(file,"   %4.2f    *", book_1.book_Prise);

                                               fprintf(file,"   %2.0f    *\n", book_1.book_Reyting);






//--------------- ðó÷íàÿ èíèöèàëèçàöèÿ

            if (choose == 2)


                        int Id, Age, BuyCount;

                        float Prise, Reyting;

                        book book_1;

                        printf("Enter book Id ");

                        scanf("%d", &Id);

                        printf("Enter book Age ");

                        scanf("%d", &Age);

                        printf("Enter book BuyCount ");

                        scanf("%d", &BuyCount);

                        printf("Enter book Prise ");

                        scanf("%f", &Prise);

                        printf("Enter book Reyting ");

                        scanf("%f", &Reyting);

                        book_1.initialization(Id, Age, BuyCount, Prise, Reyting);

                        //----------------- ðåçóëüòàòû

                        int choose_result;

        printf("          How we going to see the result\n");

        printf("          1. On the screen \n");