Come-back of Dr Pepper on the Russian market, страница 4

As it is already was told the wellness of population improves, what means more likely tasting new products and changing the preferences. One of the factors influenced on this situation is globalization and acceptance of western lifestyle. There is also not so strict defense of private information as, for example, in Europe, so there is more freedom in collecting information about target audience.

T There is also rather acceptable technical development, what means easy solving the production problems, well-developed mass-media and good level of technical competence and awareness of population.

E Ecology pollution – is a problem mostly perceived on personal level of small number of consumers, than the task to solve on the Governmental level or some special organizations.  Of course there are restrictions concerned packaging and production, but it is undoubtedly already executed. It won’t be unnecessary to remind that the demand on cold carbonated soft-drinks depends on season.

L It is necessary to satisfy the Government food standards, written in “ГОСТ 28188-89”.  

As we see that in spite of high risk that perceive foreign investors there are prosperous conditions of economy, technical capabilities, and quite low or floating restrictions concerned collecting and saving personal data, what gives more freedom in researching the preferences of target audience. There is no such rules or legislation about a product, which wasn’t satisfied working on European market. Social factor are also win over the strategy of penetration.



Dr Pepper  is a strong brand with its history and clear and actual identity. It has a potential in retention the consumers who already prefer this product to other analogous and to attract new. For sure, this brand is able to provide the company for needed investments and guarantee the survival of the company in times of crisis.

There is satisfying level of brand awareness abroad and rather good information platform about the product in Russia.

The product has a really unique flavor and taste that differentiate it from main competitors - Coca Cola and Pepsi, which has similar taste and lots of consumers can’t distinguish one from another.

As it was already told in competitive environment analysis that the brand has a favorable image of developed countries, where is has its market share.

The appearance of Dr Pepper on the market will give consumers greater choice, the newness and originality of the brand and product will give additional emotional benefits to consumers as the consumption of drink also may be demonstrative.

The company already has an experience of working on Russian market.   


The product can’t estimated as healthy drink what is contradict to modern concept of healthy way of life.

There are very strong competitors with developed distribution, best brand-equity and bran-awareness. The market is seems too saturated, but the forecasts of top-management of companies insure than there is a great potential for growth and development because the consumption of carbonated soft-drinks per capita in Europe is much higher than in Russia.


There is an opportunity to attract Russian consumers with the help of brand-image, its identity, the unique qualities of the product, take a satisfying market share with the help of aggressive marketing campaigns.


The main competitors of Dr Pepper on Russian market definitely will be very angry about the idea of penetration and picking out their consumers. Obviously, they will try to repeat the situation of the end of the 90th, when Dr Pepper couldn’t stand the competition in sum with crisis, which had a great influence on demand. So the choice of marketing strategy of the company and its financial opportunities will mostly define the success of penetration.