Are online communities real or fake?, страница 3

  1. Anarchy and the Internet
  2. Graham, Gordon.  The Internet://a philosophical inquiry.  London: Routledge, 1999. p. 101
  3. Hick, Steven F., and McNutt, John, G.  Advocacy, Activism, and the Internet.  Chicago: Lyceum Books, Inc., 2002. p. 84
  4. Laquey, Tracy.  The Internet Companion.  Addison-Wesley Publishing Company: Massachusetts, 1993, p.12
  5. Oxford English Dictionary


  1. Graham, Gordon.  The Internet://a philosophical inquiry.  London: Routledge, 1999.
  2. Hauben, Michael, and Hauben, Ronda.  Netizens: On the History and Impact of Usenet and the Internet.  Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1997.
  3. Hick, Steven F., and McNutt, John, G.  Advocacy, Activism, and the Internet.  Chicago: Lyceum Books, Inc., 2002.
  4. Laquey, Tracy.  The Internet Companion.  Addison-Wesley Publishing Company: Massachusetts, 1993
  5. Oxford English Dictionary

16.  Anarchy and the Internet
