Analysis of Financial Statements: Liquidity
Company’s ability to pay short-term debts. |
The most liquid current assets available to pay current liabilities. |
Ability of the company to collect its credit sales. |
AND=Average Number of Days Receivables Outstanding |
Useful for comparing the results to the credit terms. |
MIT=Merchandising Inventory Turnover |
Measures the relative size of the merchandise inventory to the net sales. |
Help investors evaluate the past earning power. |
How many dollars in sales are produced by each dollar invested in assets. |
The earning power of the assets. |
How much was earned for each dollar invested. |
The market price of the shares. |
New Corporation
Balance sheet
December 31, 000 dollars
Assets |
1994 |
1993 |
Cash |
38 |
24 |
Marketable Securities (at cost) |
75 |
60 |
Accounts Receivable |
125 |
116 |
Inventories |
172 |
154 |
Total Current Assets |
410 |
354 |
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