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SPSS 9.0 for Windows
December 21, 1998
To install SPSS 9.0, Insert the CD-ROM in the drive, run setup.exe, and select "Install SPSS". On most machines, setup.exe will be run automatically when you first insert the CD-ROM into the drive.
Reading Previous Files
SPSS 9.0 reads output documents (*.spo) produced in SPSS 7.0 through SPSS 8.0.2. Output documents produced in SPSS 9.0 cannot be read in SPSS and SPSS (Smart) Viewer versions prior to 9.0.
NT 4.0
If this is installed on NT 4.0, you may need service pack 3 to access Help in some parts of the system. If you get a "cannot find file spssnewg.hlp" error, check for service pack 3.
Chart Looks for Interactive Graphs
There are new features for Interactive Graphs that affect Chart Looks saved in previous versions of SPSS. The new features are Reference Lines, Reference Surfaces, and Spikes. Chart Looks you have saved will obviously not have these new elements. You cannot simply edit these looks and add properties for the new elements. Instead, you should perform the following steps:
1. Edit any Interactive Graph.
2. Open the Chart Looks dialog and apply your Chart Look. (Do not close the dialog).
3. Now select the <Current Chart Properties> item in the listbox, and use the "Save As" button to save this as a new Chart Look.
4. You can then edit the new version of the Chart Look to pick attributes for the new elements. You will find Reference Surface on the Filled Objects tab; Reference Line and Spike on the "Lines & Symbols" tab.
This set of steps refers only to Chart Looks that you have saved. The ones shipped with SPSS 9.0 have been updated for these new elements.
Automation in Interactive Graphs
New automation features in SPSS 9.0 include the expansion of automation support for Interactive Graphics. You can now use automation to manipulate interactive graphs as you would in the GUI, with the following exceptions:
· Common legend features are supported. For example, you can manipulate the arrangement of items in a legend and you can modify some attributes of titles, format lines, symbols, swatches, and labels. However, features specific to Color Legends, Size Legends, and Style legends are not yet available for automation.
· The automation of Reference Lines is not supported in the current release.
· The automation of Fit Lines and smoothers is not supported in the current release.
Interactive Graph Printing
If you experience difficulty in printing the new Interactive Graphs, the following information might be helpful:
a) If your printer is using an HPW.drv (host-based) driver the graphs may be in black & white rather than grayscale. You will need to use the PCL driver instead. This has been observed on an HP LaserJet 6L printer, but will probably be a problem on any printer using an HPW.drv driver.
b) If you do not have an hpw.drv driver but are still seeing all black & white charts, go to the Properties dialog of the printer. Adjustments to the gray scale and halftone properties may be needed.
c) For other printing problems, make sure that you have the most recent driver for your printer. Win 3.1 drivers will NOT work well and should be replaced by the most recent driver for your operating system (Win 95 or NT). Also, see 10 a) below if the charts are not printing at all or only printing small sections of the chart.
If printing Interactive Graphs seems slow, the following items should be tried:
a) There are three .bat files in the directory where SPSS is installed. These are prtfast.bat, prtnorm.bat and prtslow.bat. The default behavior from SPSS uses the settings stored in prtnorm.bat. You can use prtfast.bat to speed up printing, but this will use more RAM for printing than the normal setting. If the chart printout has large horizontal bands of white across the chart, you may need to use prtslow.bat to fix this problem. To use any of these files, From the Start>Run menu, run the appropriate command from the SPSS directory. Alternately, you can double click the file in the SPSS directory.
b) Another way to speed up printing is to change the resolution of the printed chart. This can be done by using the Options dialog (Edit>Options) in the Viewer. The Interactive tab contains three choices for the printed chart resolution: high, medium, and low. The lower the resolution the faster the print speed but at the expense of image quality.
c) Finally, the chart size will affect the printing speed. From the Viewer, you can use the Options dialog under File>Page Setup to set the size of all printed charts. A smaller size will print faster.
"Ask Me" Help
If you install SPSS to a directory with a name that contains double-byte characters (e.g. Kanji characters), the "Ask Me" feature in the online help system may not work and will issue the following error message: "Initialization Failed. One or more AnswerWorks files cannot be found." To enable this help feature reinstall SPSS in a directory with a name that does not contain any double-byte characters.
If you would rather disable the "Ask Me" feature you can do the following:
1. Open spsswin.cnt in any text editor.
2. Find the line that contains ":Tab Ask Me=awrtl30.dll"
3. Put a semi-colon in front of that line, as in: ";:Tab Ask Me=awrtl30.dll"
This will remove the "Ask Me" tab from help. Selecting "Ask Me" from the Help menu then just opens the Help Contents tab.
Draft Viewer and Interactive Graphs
In some cases Interactive Graphs may be displayed as thumbnails (icon representations of bitmaps including a filename) in the Draft Viewer. Note: This problem does not occur in the Output Viewer.
This problem occurs when the default program for opening bitmaps has been changed from MS Paint. To resolve the problem uninstall and then re-install MS Paint.
To read more about the problem, see
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