Second year.
My study at the second year is peculiar, because now I study with new people in my group. It is first time in my life, when I take one's stand of “new”. And in my new group within new knowledge in sociology I try to find new ways of communication to find understanding.
In this year I have learned much that was new: vocabulary (not only in English, but sociological terms to), directions in science. Also I have learned make my case study myself by different methods.
In my English I have learned to listen and hear speech better, then before. Know I can understand more. I have trained at home: view the films in English without translator. Firstly I didn’t understood anything, but now I can do it.
My grammar is not lot better, but know I solve my exercises more sensible.
My vocabulary have not a lot of changes, because of time without regular studying, while I was on leave.
Now I wanna represent graphs of my self-appraisal:
We can see, that during this year level of my English increased more then during the last.
If we view
situation of this term in detail, we can see, that:
Conclusion and counsels:
Уважаемый посетитель!
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