Exercise A
1 fair trade 2 corporate greed 3 consumer choice 4 multinational companies
5 free market 6 climate change 7 child labour 8 human rights
9 global warming
Exercise B
1 creativity 2 influence 3 collaboration 4 hierarchy
Exercise C
1 celebrity 2 coverage 3 programme 4 paparazzi 5 broadcast
6 newspaper 7 character 8 press
Exercise D
1 stopped (work) to have 2 managed to reach 3 suggest taking
4 remember driving 5 forget to read the instructions 6 is offering / offers to clean
7 feel like going to 8 try showing some sympathy
9 encouraged the government to change
Exercise E
1 The hospital has had the walls painted.
2 I got my photographs done yesterday.
3 The council are having the furniture removed this week.
4 Peter had the uninvited guest removed from the party.
Exercise F
1 mean 2 give 3 saying 4 wanted 5 detail 6 what
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