2008-06-22 | 3 | 2
2008-06-15 | 1 | 3
2008-10-31 | 2 | 4
2008-11-01 | 3 | 5
(10 rows)
Возраст мастеров не должен быть менее 18 лет.
remont=> alter table zakazchik add constraint birthdate check (extract(year from now())-extract(year from birthdate)>=18);
remont=> insert into zakazchik values('Ivancev', 'ilya', '1996-02-03', 'gorod ylica fonar', 4);
ERROR: new row for relation "zakazchik" violates check constraint "birthdate" STATEMENT: insert into zakazchik values('Ivancev', 'ilya', '1996-02-03', 'gorod ylica fonar', 4);
ERROR: new row for relation "zakazchik" violates check constraint "birthdate"
remont=> select * from zakazchik;
fam | name | birthdate | adress | id
Ivanov | Ivan | 1976-04-12 | Marksa 1, 15 | 1
Abalov | Nick | 1986-06-27 | Bogatkova 51, 1 | 2
Gluxova | Anna | 1989-05-28 | Visotskogo 111, 45 | 3
Pac | Nick | 1970-07-29 | Lenina 41, 5 | 4
Belousov | Mixa | 1990-05-27 | Truda 61, 123 | 5
(5 rows)
Вывести информацию обо всех мастерах в возрасте старше 50 лет, заработавших за последний день более 700 р.
select Z.name,Z.fam,Z.adress,age(Z.birthdate),sumT.Ssum
(select sum(T.stoimost) as Ssum, T.id
from (
select t3.id, t3.stoimost
from zakaz as t1, zakazchik as t2, predmet as t3
where (extract (year from age(t2.birthdate))>50)
and (t1.data_z = (select max(data_z) from zakaz))
and(t1.id=t2.id)and(t1.id=t3.id)) as T
group by T.id) as sumT,
zakazchik as Z
where (sumT.id=Z.id)and(sumT.Ssum>700);
name | fam | adress | age | ssum
Igor | Ivanovich | perm | 53 years 21 days | 24502
(1 row)
Найти всех мастеров в возрасте до 30 лет, которые занимаются ремонтом чайников.
select distinct t1.name,t1.fam,t1.adress,age(t1.birthdate)
from zakazchik as t1, predmet as t2
where (extract (year from age(t1.birthdate))<30)
and (t2.vid = 'chainik')and(t1.id=t2.id);
name | fam | adress | age
Anna | Gluxova | Visotskogo 111, 45 | 20 years 6 mons 27 days
(1 row)
Найти всех мастеров, чья работа стоит более 500 р.
select distinct t1.name,t1.fam,t1.adress,age(t1.birthdate)
from zakazchik as t1, predmet as t2
where (extract (year from age(t1.birthdate))<30)
and (t2.stoimost > 500)and(t1.id=t2.id);
name | fam | adress | age
Anna | Gluxova | Visotskogo 111, 45 | 20 years 6 mons 27 days
Mixa | Belousov | Truda 61, 123 | 19 years 6 mons 28 days
Nick | Abalov | Bogatkova 51, 1 | 23 years 5 mons 27 days
(3 rows)
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