3. Don’t make your resume too long. Preferred length is one page. If your sentences are very long it takes too much time to get simple information. Misspelling and grammar mistakes are not to your credit. All the papers should be carefully read before mailing.
4. Make information action oriented. Instead of listing your duties for the job tell what you have achieved. For example, rather than say that your duties were to do accounting, say that you prepared budget for the promotion department. Most personal information other than your address and phone number may be unnecessary. But, for example, being single might be an advantage for a job requiring a lot of traveling. Be honest. A small lie could wipe out the employer’s trust in you.
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S: Прочитайте текст. Укажите, какому из абзацев текста (I, 2, 3, 4) соответствует следующая идея: Don’t give too much personal information.
Getting a Job Is a Job in Itself.
1. Experts say that face to face is the best way to sell yourself. But sometimes a written application may be the only resort. An application package consists of a resume or CV and an application letter. A resume contains information about applicant’s skills, abilities and qualifications. An application letter should do more. A well –written letter reveals important communication skills. It should be brief, energetic, interesting and answer the following employer’s questions: Why are you writing to me? Why should I consider your candidacy? What qualifications do you have? How could I benefit from them? What are you prepared to do to sell yourself?
2. So, like all persuasive communication these papers require some creative thinking. Here are some guidelines that can make your employer feel that you are worth interviewing. First of all find out what kind of skills and experience the organization needs. Then you should determine your main ‘selling points” and select and order facts in a way that will impress your reader. Remember that words are power. Change neutral and dull words to eye catching and bright ones. By displaying a personality you display emotion. And more than any other element, it sells! Stress what sets you apart from the crowd.
3. Don’t make your resume too long. Preferred length is one page. If your sentences are very long it takes too much time to get simple information. Misspelling and grammar mistakes are not to your credit. All the papers should be carefully read before mailing.
4. Make information action oriented. Instead of listing your duties for the job tell what you have achieved. For example, rather than say that your duties were to do accounting, say that you prepared budget for the promotion department. Most personal information other than your address and phone number may be unnecessary. But, for example, being single might be an advantage for a job requiring a lot of traveling. Be honest. A small lie could wipe out the employer’s trust in you.
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S: Прочитайте текст. Ответьте на вопрос:
Why is the application letter even more important than the resume?
Getting a Job Is a Job in Itself.
1. Experts say that face to face is the best way to sell yourself. But sometimes a written application may be the only resort. An application package consists of a resume or CV and an application letter. A resume contains information about applicant’s skills, abilities and qualifications. An application letter should do more. A well –written letter reveals important communication skills. It should be brief, energetic, interesting and answer the following employer’s questions: Why are you writing to me? Why should I consider your candidacy? What qualifications do you have? How could I benefit from them? What are you prepared to do to sell yourself?
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