when "0111" => outdc_2 <= "0000000010000000";
when "1000" => outdc_2 <= "0000000100000000";
when "1001" => outdc_2 <= "0000001000000000";
when "1010" => outdc_2 <= "0000010000000000";
when "1011" => outdc_2 <= "0000100000000000";
when "1100" => outdc_2 <= "0001000000000000";
when "1101" => outdc_2 <= "0010000000000000";
when "1110" => outdc_2 <= "0100000000000000";
when "1111" => outdc_2 <= "1000000000000000";
when others => outdc_2 <= "0000000000000000";
end case;
end if;
end process;
process (DC_1_ENABLE, outcounter_3)
if DC_1_ENABLE = '0' then
outdc_3 <= "0000000000000000";
case outcounter_3 is
when "0000" => outdc_3 <= "0000000000000001";
when "0001" => outdc_3 <= "0000000000000010";
when "0010" => outdc_3 <= "0000000000000100";
when "0011" => outdc_3 <= "0000000000001000";
when "0100" => outdc_3 <= "0000000000010000";
when "0101" => outdc_3 <= "0000000000100000";
when "0110" => outdc_3 <= "0000000001000000";
when "0111" => outdc_3 <= "0000000010000000";
when "1000" => outdc_3 <= "0000000100000000";
when "1001" => outdc_3 <= "0000001000000000";
when "1010" => outdc_3 <= "0000010000000000";
when "1011" => outdc_3 <= "0000100000000000";
when "1100" => outdc_3 <= "0001000000000000";
when "1101" => outdc_3 <= "0010000000000000";
when "1110" => outdc_3 <= "0100000000000000";
when "1111" => outdc_3 <= "1000000000000000";
when others => outdc_3 <= "0000000000000000";
end case;
end if;
end process;
process (DC_1_ENABLE, outcounter_4)
if DC_1_ENABLE = '0' then
outdc_4 <= "0000000000000000";
case outcounter_4 is
when "0000" => outdc_4 <= "0000000000000001";
when "0001" => outdc_4 <= "0000000000000010";
when "0010" => outdc_4 <= "0000000000000100";
when "0011" => outdc_4 <= "0000000000001000";
when "0100" => outdc_4 <= "0000000000010000";
when "0101" => outdc_4 <= "0000000000100000";
when "0110" => outdc_4 <= "0000000001000000";
when "0111" => outdc_4 <= "0000000010000000";
when "1000" => outdc_4 <= "0000000100000000";
when "1001" => outdc_4 <= "0000001000000000";
when "1010" => outdc_4 <= "0000010000000000";
when "1011" => outdc_4 <= "0000100000000000";
when "1100" => outdc_4 <= "0001000000000000";
when "1101" => outdc_4 <= "0010000000000000";
when "1110" => outdc_4 <= "0100000000000000";
when "1111" => outdc_4 <= "1000000000000000";
when others => outdc_4 <= "0000000000000000";
end case;
end if;
end process;
process (outdc_1, outdc_2, outdc_3, outdc_4)
outor_1(0) <= outdc_1(5) or outdc_1(6) or outdc_1(7);
outor_1(1) <= outdc_2(5) or outdc_2(6) or outdc_2(7);
outor_1(2) <= outdc_3(5) or outdc_3(6) or outdc_3(7);
outor_1(3) <= outdc_4(5) or outdc_4(6) or outdc_4(7);
end process;
process (outor_1, S_0, S_1, DC_1_ENABLE)
if (DC_1_ENABLE='1') then
outmux <= '0';
end if;
if (S_0 = '1') then
if (S_1 = '1') then
outmux <= outor_1(3);
outmux <= outor_1(2);
end if;
if (S_1 = '1') then
outmux <= outor_1(1);
outmux <= outor_1(0);
end if;
end if;
end process;
process (CLK_2, RESET_2, outmux)
variable COUNT : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
if RESET_2 = '1' then
COUNT := "0000";
elsif CLK_2'EVENT and CLK_2 = '1' and outmux = '1' then
COUNT := COUNT + "0001";
end if;
outcounter <= COUNT;
end process;
process (DC_2_ENABLE, outcounter)
if DC_2_ENABLE = '0' then
outdc <= "0000000000000000";
case outcounter is
when "0000" => outdc <= "0000000000000001";
when "0001" => outdc <= "0000000000000010";
when "0010" => outdc <= "0000000000000100";
when "0011" => outdc <= "0000000000001000";
when "0100" => outdc <= "0000000000010000";
when "0101" => outdc <= "0000000000100000";
when "0110" => outdc <= "0000000001000000";
when "0111" => outdc <= "0000000010000000";
when "1000" => outdc <= "0000000100000000";
when "1001" => outdc <= "0000001000000000";
when "1010" => outdc <= "0000010000000000";
when "1011" => outdc <= "0000100000000000";
when "1100" => outdc <= "0001000000000000";
when "1101" => outdc <= "0010000000000000";
when "1110" => outdc <= "0100000000000000";
when "1111" => outdc <= "1000000000000000";
when others => outdc <= "0000000000000000";
end case;
end if;
end process;
process (outdc)
outor <= outdc(3) or outdc(4);
end process;
outxnor_1 <= outxnor(0);
outxnor_2 <= outxnor(1);
outxnor_3 <= outxnor(2);
outxnor_4 <= outxnor(3);
outcounter_11 <= outcounter_1;
outcounter_12 <= outcounter_2;
outcounter_13 <= outcounter_3;
outcounter_14 <= outcounter_4;
outdc_11 <= outdc_1;
outdc_12 <= outdc_2;
outdc_13 <= outdc_3;
outdc_14 <= outdc_4;
outor_11 <= outor_1;
outmux_11 <= outmux;
outcounter_21 <= outcounter;
outdc_21 <= outdc;
TARGET <= outor;
end Behavioral;
Рисунок 1. Диаграмма работы решающего устройства
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