They sat somehow in the evening after holidays, drank beer and thought that not bad them to have good girl-friends, but that all any "beaches" fall.
The first got the notebook and started to ring round free and not so girls, making comments on their lacks on a course.
And here on that end of a wire – has got. Ties the talking. «Clever» - an infection! Wished to meet in the evening directly. But agreed for the next day.
They solved – let there will be at the first this girl, the second by the same principle will find or that silly woman will acquaint.
The silly woman really wished to acquaint with girlfriends, but only those appeared wise.
But fledling baby birds all became impudent – demanded expensive gifts, warning and are not present, changed, played on nerves.
The first yellow-beaked played nobleness – recognised the fault before the previous girls and regretted that cannot change.
The second – the jeweller – took family jewelry of girls in a pawnshop and played basic quarrel with the first.
But the yellow-beaked sparrow on repair mobile all copied to himself photos of young proprietresses of expensive models against cottages of a native city, found them, "casually" got acquainted and untwisted on money.
Soon leaned the yellow-beaked. Really it is sparrows?
Family quarrel
- I try, try for all is fair, on conscience and advantage, on merits, an order at myself builded, economy well work, as during former times, people are full, dressed, put, but she all the same, proud, does not wish to live in peace and friendship, here I with America and have made friends, to her to spite, - the Belarus has told.
- Yes, - sighs the showing false modesty Ukraine, - at us is crisis, work is not present. Well and what, what at us is the sea? Only in the summer all relatives and friends come, but in the winter that will order to do? Gas sells high price. And the brother, Crimea matured and absolutely from hands has beaten off, all to her, to the sister lasts!
- But you conduct yourself decently! To you, and so the interest-free credit of a distance, but after all you do not starve, as Russia on Kamchatka, and warmly gives to you, but at her near the Moscow, in the Kaluga region gas is not spent even – the Crimea has snapped.
- But you, but you … with Tatars cannot consult, with Turkey, it means. But Russia to another's people spent a blue stream – to Italy with Turkey, - the offended Ukraine begun to whimper from the feebleness.
- Do you take envys? Let co-operates with whom is necessary. Normal aunts, not that you. You А-а! – the Crimea given up as a bad job.
- But I as worying with Atdnestr region! He as Crimea of will wants, but than to him with me it is bad? – the Moldova has complained.
- You in general be silent, defector! - have barked the Kosovo with the Abkhazia and the South Ossetia. - That you with sister, that you look at sops of the America! It is necessary to pay for freedom, b blood, as we!
- Brothers and sisters, will suffice to altercate, be reconciled it is necessary, to forgive, together we are force and any America to us is not terrible, - elder sister tried to admonish.
- It is necessary to be on friendly terms with China. The world supremacy, - the Kazakhstan inserted, - she worked as we earlier and the winner left on the sly!
- Yes, - the Russia has sighed, - when in friends consent there are no … But here we, the relatives, all the same, in the language to agree we can not in any way. But China since ancient times wise and quiet, as an elephant. Yes well all of you, I should do reconstruction of the fatherly house! – she has told.
Swimming By A Dolphin
The first and brightest, kind dream, which I remember, was with a dolphin. I swimmed together with it, talked, even rescued – it has wounded, it has started to sink, and I took it under a mouse and have pulled out on the coast. It has thanked me, but then smiled and told that it joked, to it better in the water, it laughed and dived.
Then has not understood, why has departured. But the dream was written down and has read to the family. All laughed, but nobody explained, why it departured from me.
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