And here pocket hours-bulbs are ready. More truly, it there was a garlic head. You will break off one segment – hieroglyphs, figures of maya on a cut of a stone with stucco arabesques are visible; you will break off another – the white lily is blossom in snow-covered bluish mountains with islets of a green grass on the brown earth, and time here absolutely another, rather than in the previous cut. In garlic there was also a barometre, the thermometer and if to pull down half-and-half, on dials – the cards of hemispheres made with jeweller accuracy. Water was put by turquoise and emerald enamels, continents were made of coniferous pitch and amber, their borders with oceans are designated by the fallen asleep silver threads.
The master hastened to make the order in time – and he was in time (the third month has just ended), but the mister in black all did not come.
Now in the evenings at last it was possible to master to get out of the table, he goes to walk on a city and with amazement for himself detected that trees are already blossom, people carry easy clothes – he greedy inhaled a wind with smells of foliage, of a grass and of the promise something else more beautiful.
The master still had money of the first hours, and he has decided to begin work on the second – for the fine lady. Gradually from a smooth ivory there was a lock with carved doors and balconies, narrow windows and fantastic patterned turrets, and with hours on the front party.
The master made hours and for mother of the customer. It was a wooden wall clock with a pendulum and with elephants – a symbol of wisdom.
But money melted every day, and as the master refused to in all (except bread), soon they ended. These days to the master came the familiar worker with the account for light, which master burnt down at the nights. It was terribly awkward for the master always accurately paying, it was awkward for the worker to disconnect the light at the master always treating him tea with biscuits, but there's nothing to do…
The master was hungry, him was cold, he could not get up from the bed. Though, what it was the bed? On a floor lay thin mattress, the pillow wasn’t, a bed-sheet instead of a blanket (after all when the master started to do the first hours it was warm).
Year came to an end, and the stranger in black all did not come. And the master removed the former plate hanging on doors, and has attached the new: «I do and I repair hours. Welcome».
There was again money. And the master has made hours for daughters of the customer. For senior – hours-medallions with the engraved blossoming cherry, for younger – marching wirst, very strong hours which are not afraid of blows and water, with the image of a horse.
– What fine work! – townspeople admired, admiring a family of hours and begging the master to sell thise unusual watches (after all their customer sunk!), but the master flatly refused and did for townspeople other hours...
And here once knock at a door in the evening was distributed.
The master opened. There was that stranger in the black. Only now it was in white. The beard has not grown, moustaches remained also year have increased.
- I travelled, - he has told, - and me have captured. But here I at last have got on freedom. I yet did not see my family, I have decided that I will present in a gift to them your hours.
- Oh yes! I have made them, - the master has told. - here it are.
- О-о, I was not mistaken, having trusted in you, – the stranger has exclaimed. – That will be delighted my family. Here your well-deserved reward.
The master was happy. His dream has come true. He has established a magnificent family of hours which have suddenly revived and become to tick in hands of the stranger - it there was a secret of the master and secret of five hours: they could go only at the hands of their owners! (That is why the master could not sell to anybody them!..).
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