The creation of automated systems of shop "auto Parts"

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Department of Computer Science

Course works

Theme:The creation of automated systems of shop "auto Parts"

                                                 Prepeared by: Tukhtamuratov S

Group: Computer science 111-14 «а»                                

Checked by:Lesbaev A.U

Shymkent - 2017


I. INTRODUCTION..............................................,,,,................................................

II. pts of a database, information about delphi…………………………………...

2.0 Database architecture in Delphi…………………………………………….

2.1 Form and itsproperties, Searching for data, Data filtering…………………

III.  The creation of automated systems of shop "Auto Parts"…………………

3.0 Form .............................................................................................................

3.1. Searching......................................................................................................

3.2. Filtering…....................................................................................................

IV. CONCLUSION...................................................................................................

V. RECOMMENDED BIBLIOGRAPHY…………...............................................


Modern management can not imagine. The main category for any efficiency of an enterprise is often related information processing systems. By results of such system:

- To provide the general report or detaldanğan;

- identify trends in the main indicators of changes in the light;

- unhindered and provide information about the time critical;

- The analysis of the data must also be accurate.

Among representatives of database management systems: Lotus Approach, Misrosoft Evaluation, Vogland dVase, Vogland Ragadox, Visual FoxPro Misrosoft Misrosoft Visual vasis, and also "client-server" technology is used in applications created databases Misrosoft SQL Server and Ogasle can be noted. Common, as well as the capabilities of other applications, such as creating processes, text, graphics packages, etc. And a set of high-level language versions (often with SQL and / or BB dïalekterin) and created a visual API for application programming is a technology that allows the use of text-ham. Thus, based on a package that is more precise, in which language and which formats will be applied to the most important information. In addition, the "de-facto" standard of "open-ended" is the creation of the literature most quickly stated, "applications" (or RAD), which is an even more convenient and powerful data processing system for various applications, and the ability to use technology and the need has been . Thus, the "classic" DBMS and the components necessary to quickly create applications in a row, it is difficult to create a "classic" means DBMS, which was sometimes impossible speed, which is crucial for Visual 4.0 and Visual C ++ programming languages. Database management is a modern method of "client-server" technology requires the use of a wide range.

Gestures, rather, the programmer or svyazan konkretnoy ramkalarımen package, and ten mojet byt ïspolzovan razlïçnıx prïlojenïyax, zavïsïmostï fire postavlennoy tasks.

Delphi is currently the most common application for creating a system. One of the main features that are created using programs running Windows programs, but it is quickly forming tools (rapid application development, RAD) belonging to the group.

My course was to automate the work of the library staff. A database is MS Access, and the interface in Delphi is done.

Form and its properties

  It's time to plunge into the practical part and in this lesson we'll look at the form and its basic properties. As you already know, all properties of any object in Delphi are located in the Object Inspector.

Open Delphi, create a new project and select the form. Let's briefly go over its main properties.

The first property that we'll look at is the Align property. It is responsible for


AlBottom - sticking the form to the bottom of the screen

AlClient - stretching the form to full screen

AlCustom - by default

AlLeft - sticking the form to the left edge of the screen

AlNone - without alignment

AlRight - shape adhesion to the right edge of the screen

AlTop - sticking the form to the top of the screen

The following property is AlphaBlend. This property is responsible for the transparency of the form. We set its value to True and below we see the AlphaBlendValue property. It can take values from 1 (full transparency) to 255 (full non-transparency). Set the value to 200 and see the transparent shape.


Turn off the transparency of the shape and move on.

The following property is AutoScroll. Accepts Boolean values. I think by the name of the property, its purpose is clear. If any component is outside the form, the scroll automatically appears on the form.

The following property is AutoSize, it finds and customizes the optimal size of the form. If we now set the value of True and throw it on the form of the Memo component, this property will remove all empty places on the form when compiling and wrap the Memo component. Because of this, we can not change the size of the form.


Let's return the AutoSize property to False and continue to examine the rest of the properties.

The BorderIcons property. In it, we can specify which buttons we will see in the form header. Now we can see the "minimize", "expand" and "close" buttons. If we set all these buttons to False, then the form cap will

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