Оконное приложение для построения 3d-графиков квадратичной функции, страница 13


        void DrawPicture( void );

        void SetRhombVertexes( void );

        void DrawRhomb( void );

            void Set (void);

            // Message Map declaration



    }; // end class "LFrameWnd"#endif

// FILE               : LMainThr.hpp


// PROJECT            : testing of the MFC

//                      using menus

//                      in MS Visual C++ 6.0


// PURPOSE            : definition of the class

//                      "LMainThread"



// RefNo.   Date:       Who:    Detail:

//          dd.mm.yyyy


    #define _LMAINTHR_HPP

    #include <afxwin.h>             // MFC core &

                                    //   standard components

    class LMainThread: public CWinApp


            // Initialization on the start

            //   of each instance of the application



        virtual BOOL InitInstance( void );

    }; // end class "LMainThread"


// EOF

// FILE               : LStyDlg.hpp


// PROJECT            : testing of MFC using dialogs


// PURPOSE            : definition of the class

//                      "LStyleDialog"



// RefNo.   Date:       Who:    Detail:

//          dd.mm.yyyy

#ifndef _LSTYDLG_HPP

    #define _LSTYDLG_HPP

    #include <afxwin.h>             // MFC core &

                                    //   standard components

    class LStyleDialog: public CDialog



        int             m_OldPenStyle;

                                    // Member OLD PEN STYLE:

                                    //   old style of the pen

        int             m_NewPenStyle;

                                    // Member NEW PEN STYLE:

                                    //   old style of the pen