Оконное приложение для построения 3d-графиков квадратичной функции, страница 11


// PURPOSE            : definition of the MTCB

//                      and main function of the project



// RefNo.   Date:       Who:    Detail:

//          dd.mm.yyyy

#include "LMainThr.hpp"             // LMainThread

LMainThread             MainThread; // MAIN THREAD:

                                    //   Main Thread Control Block (MTCB)

                                    //   of the main thread

                                    //   of the application program,

                                    //   that is located in RAM


// Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.

// Used by Resource.rc


#define IDR_MAINFRAME                   101

#define IDD_DIALOG_STYLE                102

#define IDC_RADIO_SOLID                 1000

#define IDC_RADIO_DASH                  1001

#define IDC_RADIO_DOT                   1002

#define ID_FILE_EXIT                    40001

#define ID_PENSTYLE_SOLID               40002

#define ID_PENSTYLE_DASH                40003

#define ID_PENSTYLE_DOT                 40004

#define ID_DIALOG_STYLE                 40006

// Next default values for new objects




#define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        106

#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         40007

#define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         1004

#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           101



// FILE               : LFrmWnd.hpp


// PROJECT            : testing of the MFC

//                      using menus

//                      in MS Visual C++ 6.0


// PURPOSE            : definition of the class

//                      "CLFrameWnd"



// RefNo.   Date:       Who:    Detail:

//          dd.mm.yyyy

#ifndef _LFRMWND_HPP

    #define _LFRMWND_HPP

    #include <afxwin.h>             // MFC core &

                                    //   standard components