Nonverbal communication and culture. Identity, stereotypes and prejudices, страница 59

Language Discrimination. Language problems also plague work environments. For instance, because many workers are new to the United States, they may have an inadequate knowledge and command of the English language. This language deficiency can easily result in misunderstood instructions. Other consequences of multilingualism in the workplace are the suspicion and feelings of uneasiness that frequently develop when some members of the workforce speak a language that is difficult to understand.

Sexual Harassment

The number of women in the workforce in the USA has doubled to over 60 million since 1976. Women now account for 46 percent of the labor force and have climbed the management ranks and are making decisions about workplace policies. Of the twenty million businesses in the United States, more than one-third are owned by women.

Despite this progress, women often and men sometimes encounter sexual discrimination and harassment in the workplace that is cause for concern about the proper and effective communication between the sexes. It must be emphasized that the workplace is not an appropriate surrounding to express feelings, desires, or attractions.

Gender discrimination and sexual harassment have resulted in numerous legislative actions and court decisions.

An awareness of the important influence culture has on the conduct of business is the first step toward change. As our awareness has increased, there has been progress in the integration of a culturally diverse workforce. For example, many companies appear to be working to promote cultural diversity among their workers. At Silicon Graphics, respect for diversity is so much a part of the organizational culture that "in the middle of lunch in the cafeteria, you will see hijabs, Jewish yarmulkes, and Hasidic headwear, and people will not bat an eye. Major companies such as Apple Computer, AT&T, Avon, Coca-Cola, Corning, Gannett, General Motors, Goodyear, IBM, Xerox, Digital Equipment Corporation, Dupont, Hughs, Motorola, and Procter & Gamble have incorporated diversity management programs into their businesses. Kellogg, the world's largest cereal maker, conducts diversity training programs and evaluates its vice presidents in part on their progress in minority hiring and promotion.

The bottom line is that we should be aware of the important influence culture has on the conduct of business.


-  Culturally derived rules specify how communication is to take place by prescribing the appropriate behaviors in given contexts.

-  Most nations and many multinational business organizations have international facilities and do business on a global basis.

-  The most successful companies will be those who understand world economics and global competitiveness, and who have the ability to communicate effectively with their international counterparts.

-  The concept of management can be viewed differently from culture to culture.

-  The procedures for seeking business appointments, the ways in which people greet one another, and gift-giving practices differ from one culture to another.

-  Strategies for negotiation differ from culture to culture.

-  There are many different kinds of evidence and truth in the world, and the source of "truth" for a culture can influence business transactions.

-  Trust, on a global scale, should be factored into cross-cultural business issues.

-  Major forces behind marketing as we approach the twenty-first century are diversity and culture.

-  Cultures differ in their value orientations, and these differences sometimes cause conflict in the workplace.

-  Issues such as religious practices, human rights, language diversity, sexual harassment, and sexual and racial discrimination present potential areas of conflict in the workplace.



1.  Why is effective intercultural communication crucial for cross-cultural business success?